Rebel Love Song

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I cannot hide what's on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what's mine
Let us start living for today
Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time
So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song

- Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides

Chapter 17 - Rebel Love Song

Mickey woke up in his bed.
He didn't know how he ended up here. His head hurt, he felt a cold wind coming from an open window, he smelled tea.

He slowly opened his eyes and realised someone sat next to his bed. Hoping it would be Ian he fully opened his eyes to see who was sitting with him.

"Mick, fuck, finally!", it was the voice of a girl, she leaned down to him, it was Sandy, "Hey, do you hear me?"

"Sandy?", Mickey's throat hurt, his cousin quickly grabbed the tea from the nightstand and handed it to him. Mickey leaned up a bit and drank the cold tea.
He leaned back down and looked to his other side, there sat Iggy.

"Hey bro", he said, "How's ya head?"
"Hurts like a motherfucker", Mickey mumbled, "Where is Ian? Is he okay?"
"He's fine", Sandy said, "He's in the infirmary."
"Infirmary?", Mickey asked, they didn't have an infirmary in the cartel building, just a room they called "sterile" where a doctor who lost his license for medication abuse pulled bullets out of someone occasionally.

"Yeah, they got the bullet out of his leg, it wasn't bad, he's fine. They're gonna bring him to a room soon and then you can go see him."
"I have to see him now", Mickey said and sat up, but Sandy pushed him down again.
"No, you stay here. You need to rest, Mickey."
"I need to see Ian"
"He's fine, Mick. But you both need to rest."
"You a fucking doctor now?"
"Shut up", Sandy rolled her eyes.

Mickey looked at Iggy, "And... and Dad?"
"Dead, separated, dissolved in acid."
Mickey swallowed hard, "Thanks... but why?"
Iggy shrugged, "We kill people for snitching, not for cock sucking. We don't let people kill our brother."

Mickey bit his lip, "Thanks", he mumbled, "A-and Collin?"
"He's cool with it", he shrugged, "He's gonna give you the money to go to New York with the ginger.", he got up, "I gotta go to a meeting with him, something about restructure or some shit. Sandy don't let him out of that bed before tomorrow. Cuff him if you have to"

Sandy nodded, "Oh and Iggy"
Iggy stopped halfway out and turned back around to her.
"I'm gay too", she said.
"You mean you eat pussy?"
"Yeah. And I'm fucking good at it"
Iggy laughed, nodded and then left the room.

Mickey looked at Sandy.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm not letting you out. You have to rest. You were bleeding from your head, Mickey, your dad almost suffocated you"

"You weren't even there"
"Your sister painted a pretty clear picture over the phone.", she said and took some pills from the nightstand, "Lookie, I've got some awesome pain killers for you. They knock you right out and when you wake up again you can go see your fairy tale prince."
"Shut up, gimme those pills.", he took the meds from Sandy, "I was bleeding?"
"Yeah", she nodded, "But you know Mandy, she could have exaggerated."
Mickey nodded, "You promise Ian is okay?"
"Yeah, Debbie said he already asked for you as well. But stay in bed"


Two days later, Sandy was unable to keep Mickey in bed anymore. He took his things and quickly walked down the hallways. Sandy ran after him, "Mick, you don't know which room he's in"
"Then tell me where he is, I want to see him!", Mickey demanded and walked faster, but his head started to hurt, he stopped and leaned against a wall.

"Mick, slow down, you had a serious concussion, your dad almost killed you."
"And he almost killed Ian too and I want to see him"
Sandy sighed, "Okay, fuck, I bring you to him. But don't run."

Sandy slowly brought him to a room, she knocked and opened the door. As soon as Mickey spotted Ian's red hair in the bed, he ignored Sandy's order to slow down. He ran to the bed to Ian's side, completely ignoring the rest of Ian's family which formed a circle around Ian's bed.

Ian looked at him and started smiling when he saw him.
"Mickey", he mumbled, "Finally"
Mickey leaned over him to kiss him softly.
"Sorry that it took me so long", he whispered when he separated from him again, "Sandy refused to let me go."
"It's okay, you needed to rest, you were bleeding from the head"
"You were shot", Mickey ran his hand through his red hair.

"I'm okay. I can still run marathons. What about your head, huh?"
"Fucking hurts", Mickey smiled, "I was worried about you"
"You can't just do something like that though. You could have died."
Mickey shrugged, "I'm just glad you're okay", he kissed him again.

Ian put his hand on Mickey's cheek, "I love you so much, Mickey"
"I love you, too"
"Do you still want to leave this place?"
"Yeah", Mickey nodded, "Will you still come with me?"
"Of course, I will, Babes. I will come with you, and we will be together, yeah, forever?"
Mickey nodded, "And you can go to the army if you want to, I don't want to be in your way."
"You couldn't be in my way", Ian smiled, "Fuck the Army. I think I had enough adventure for now. I just want to come with you and be together with you, like we planned"
Mickey nodded and kissed him softly again.

When they separated Ian turned his head to his brother who sat next to the bed on the other side, "Lip, could you..."
"Really, now?"
"Yeah, now", Ian nodded.

Lip sighed and pulled something out of his jeans pocket.
"Give it here."
Lip rolled his eyes, Mickey stretched his neck to be able to see what Lip held in his hand. It was a black box... a ring box
Ian couldn't move a lot, he held out his hand to Lip, and the older brother opened the box and put it into Ian's hand.

The Gallagher turned back to Mickey, who stared at the small ring in the box.
Ian held the box into Mickey's direction, "I can't do the whole getting up and getting on one knee thing right now, but", he took a deep breath, "I love you Mickey Milkovich, and if you let me I would like to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Mickey started grinning and nodding, "Of course I'll fucking marry you", he said and kissed him, longer this time, a smile on both of their lips.
"You gotta put on the ring", Ian whispered when they separated for a moment.
Mickey took the ring from Ian and put it on his finger. Ian grinned, took his hand and kissed his knuckles and the cold ring.

"Fits perfectly", Ian mumbled, "Your hands are as small as my brother's"
"Don't ruin it", Mickey whispered and kissed him again.
"Why? I like your small hands, everything looks bigger in them, that's one of the reasons why I love you", he smirked.
Mickey chuckled, "Shithead", he grinned.

Lip just shook his head and looked at his siblings, "We should probably go", he put a hand on Ian's shoulder, "Congratulations. We come back tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, thanks", Ian mumbled.

The Gallagher family slowly left the room and Ian lifted his blanket up and scooted back so Mickey could lie down next to him. They kissed softly again. Mickey lay down on Ian's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"When you can walk again we leave", Mickey whispered smiling, "I go to college and you become the world-best EMT, we will get our own apartment and we will go on dates all the time and we're gonna get married."
Ian ran his hand through Mickey's hair, secretly inspecting the wound on his head, "It sounds perfect, where do you want to get married, here or in New York?"
"Well, mine and your family is here, so would be more practical to get married in Chicago, wouldn't it?"
"Yeah... more importantly, where do you wanna honeymoon?"
Mickey chuckled, "Wherever you want. Iggy said, Collin's gonna give us the money to leave, maybe he's gonna pay for the wedding and Honeymoon as well."

Ian smiled, he looked at the ring on Mickey's finger, "When do you want to have our first child?"
Mickey shrugged, "I don't know... when we're earning our own money and are married and ready for a child... maybe even after I finished Collgege... or after they threw me out."
Ian grinned, "I'm gonna have a husband with college education."
Mickey turned around to look at his face, "I like how you say husband... say it again."
Ian laughed, "You're gonna be my husband Mickey, my smart, sober husband."
Mickey grinned and leaned over him again to kiss him.

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