This is how you remind me

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This is how you remind me of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breaking
And I've been wrong
I've been down
Into the bottom of every bottle

- How you remind me by Nickleback

Chapter 6 - This is how you remind me

A few days later Mickey wanted to go out in the evening. Before he had started blackmailing Ian, he had often gone to clubs and bars and then had tried to shake Ian and go to the gay clubs he actually had wanted to go to. This time he took him with him and made him wear normal clothes.

"You won't be able to escape me, Mickey, we both know that", Ian informed him while they walked down some streets.
"I know Gallagher, I'm taking you with me to my favourite club."
"Yeah", he led Ian to a parking lot, "You drive"
"Where the fuck is this club?"
"On the other side of the city.", Mickey shrugged and threw the car keys to him.

They got into the car and Mickey tipped the address of the club into his phone so it could lead Ian to a parking lot nearby.
"How do you expect us to get back home if we go to a club now and drink?"
"I guess one of us has to stay sober", Mickey shrugged, "Or we sleep in the car tonight, but I wouldn't recommend that in this neighbourhood.

They finally arrived and got out of the car. "Hidden Car in a hidden parking lot to another hidden parking lot to a hidden club, you really make some effort."
Mickey nodded, "I change club and car in an asynchronous rhythm, too. So, you won't get sober Mickey tonight, Gallagher, I don't make this effort for nothing."
"So, I have to stay sober?"
"I'm sure you can have a drink now, it's still early. But if you plan on fucking me on the toilet tonight, you shouldn't get wasted anyways, can't risk the whiskey dick."

"Who says I plan to do that?"
Mickey looked at him with raised eyebrows, "You sayin' you don't want this tonight?"
Ian looked him up and down and got a good look on his ass, he was wearing tight jeans and a black, tight top.
"No, I'm saying maybe I plan to fuck you right on the dance floor."

Mickey smirked at him, "Maybe I would even let you, you look fucking hot without the suit."
"You like the suit.", Ian smiled, "You sometimes make me keep on the tie while fucking you."
Mickey chuckled, "You look fucking hot with it."

They reached the club and soon enough had their first drinks and a shot or two down.
Mickey wasn't much of a dancer, usually he just sat around, had a drink and watched hot guys dancing, until someone bought him a drink and he ended up fucking someone in the bathroom.

But Ian forced him on the dancefloor.
"No, I'll stay here and watch you dance, Gallagher, bet that looks fucking hot."
"Forget it", Ian said and took his hand to pull him with him, "I'm your bodyguard, I have to stay close to you at all times."

Mickey chuckled and Ian started moving his body to the beat of the music, pressing their bodies as tightly as possible together. Mickey mirrored Ian's so called "dancing" which pretty quickly was just them grinding against each other.

Mickey kept doing shots between the songs and made out with Ian at the bar.

Eventually Ian got a phone call and had to stop kissing Mickey.
"You won't be able to hear anyone on the phone anyways" Mickey said close to his ear, "Just ignore it."

"Can't ignore it, it's my sister. I'll be right back, can I leave you alone for five minutes, babes?"
"Don't call me that, it'll make me want to run away."
"You secretly like it", Ian grinned at him.

The Gallagher got up and headed in the direction of the bathrooms.

Mickey checked him out while he walked away and then ordered another drink.

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