Explosive Reveal

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3rd Person POV

It's now been a week since Midoryia's mugging. He's seemed to really come out of his shell as he began to interact with more of his "classmates". He seemed to still stick close to Bakugo or Todoroki but he also started to branch out to Asui, Uraraka, and Kirishima.

"Hey little man!" Kirishima cheered as Midoryia ran towards him as he walked through the door. He lifted the kid into the air and swung him around. Midoryia couldn't contain his enthusiasm as he laughed cheerfully.

"Wow Kirishima, you're so good at this." Mina looked at the duo, a smile stretching across her face. Kirishima set down Midoryia, allowing the kid to run off to the next classmate.

"Good at what?" Kirishima gave Mina a confused look. Mina laughed softly, "The whole kid thing."

Kirishima face turned a bright red as he quickly rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh yeah that. What can I say? I just love kids!"

He's so adorable when he's flustered. Mina thought to herself as she smiled and walked past him to gossip with Momo and Jiro.

   Midoryia was preoccupied with Asui who was giving him a piggy back ride while she hopped around the dorms. "Faster Froppy!", he giggled happily, throwing his hands in the air. She had told him multiple times to just call her Sue but   he seemed to prefer her hero name a lot more. Of course Asui didn't mean at all.

Midoryia climbed off of her back after they took a couple of more laps around the room. Asui was breathing heavily from the workout and wondered over to the couch.

Midoryia looked around, noticing that mostly everyone was either busy doing chores or talking to each other. He turned his attention to the front door and quickly ran over to it. He had to stand on his tip toes in order to even reach the handle. His fingers wrapped around cold metal and pulled down on it, causing the door to open with a click. Midoryia looked behind him, checking to see if anybody noticed him before slipping out the door and into the front yard.


A few minutes had past before the students began to realize that they were missing a certain classmate. They began looking around the house calling his name.

"Midoryia? Are you hiding? Come out!" Uraraka called out, looking underneath the couches. Bakugo wondered downstairs, rubbing his eyes. "The fuck are you idiots doing?"

"We can't find Midoryia." Kaminari stated, acting as if it was a normal occurrence.

"You...WHAT?" Bakugo's face heated up. He began walking towards Kaminari before Kirishima cut him off.

"Hey come on Bakubro. It's no big deal. I'm sure the kid's around here somewhere. He's probably just playing hide-and-seem with us or whatever." Kirishima said, patting Bakugo's chest. Bakugo scoffed and walked past him, joining in on the search. I take a nap for 30 fucking minutes and these extras already lost Izu.

Suddenly a loud explosion shook the outside of the building. "What was that?!" Momo exclaimed looking up as dust fell from the ceiling due to the building shaking.

"I think it came from outside!" Todoroki yelled, throwing open the front door. He ran out and looked up at the building, seeing smoke rising from the back of it. "It's coming from the back!"

He immediately sprung into action, using his quirk to shoot him over the top of the building, landing on the other side. The smoke appeared to be more of a brown color instead of black. "Is this... dust?"

The rest of the students had already grouped up behind him as the dust faded. A small body laid in the middle of what appeared to be a small crater in the ground. Bakugo pushed past the others as he rushed towards it. Midoryia laid motionless on his side at the center of the chaos.

"Izu!" Bakugo quickly rolled the kid over onto his back.

"That's Midoryia?!" Iida shouted in shock, hurrying to Bakugo's side with Uraraka and Asui following him.

Midoryia was unconscious, his breathing shallow as his eyes remained squeezed shut. "What the hell happened to him?" Momo created a small blanket to hold him in.

Bakugo examined Midoryia's body before noticing his legs were discolored and appeared to be broken in multiple different places.

"Shit." Bakugo mumbled to himself. Uraraka looked at him in confusion.

"What? What is it?" She asked, concern painted over her face.

"His quirk has returned." Todoroki stated standing over them as he looked at the kid. Midoryia looked so defenseless as his face twisted in pain as they wrapped him in the blanket.

"We need to get him to Recovery Girl now."

789 Words

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