A Not So New Face

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3rd Person POV

Midoryia slept for the majority of the rest of lunch, his head remaining in Todoroki's lap. Todoroki couldn't help but shoot a smug smile towards Bakugo whenever he was looking which seemed to only make the blonde even more furious. After Monoma had left, Bakugo had trudged back over to his table but he seemed like he was still plotting the murder of Monoma. Todoroki didn't blame him of course, although Kendo probably beat them to it.

Uraraka wasn't too happy about the incident either. She kept repeating something about floating him into orbit the next to Monoma decided to show his face. Of course Iida stayed quiet on the matter.

The end of lunch bell rang loudly, waking Midoryia from his slumber. He yawned tiredly as he pushed out of Todoroki's lap and sat up right. "Where do we go now?"

"Now, we go to our next class but we need to take you back to Aizawa." Todoroki stated, lifting the boy out of the seat and onto the ground.

"All I do is sit around all day in the classroom though. I want to go with you guys!" Midoryia whined, his cheeks puffing up as he pouted.

"Sorry Midoryia but Aizawa was already hesitant about just bringing you to lunch. I highly doubt he would allow you to come with us to class."  Iida chimed in, rustling the kid's hair. Midoryia lowered his head.


The group felt bad about parting with Midoryia but if anything happened to him throughout the day Aizawa would KILL them. They lead the boy back to their home room were Aizawa seemed to have been waiting for them.

"Any incidents?" He asked. The group looked at each other. Should they tell him about the whole Monoma fiasco?

"Nope." Midoryia answered for them as he stepped into the classroom and took his seat next to the podium. The group mentally let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you have fun Midoryia?" Aizawa asked the kid. The boy shrugged.

"Todo shared his food with me."

"Well that was nice of him, wasn't it?"

Midoryia just nodded his head as an answer. He seemed bummed out.

Aizawa turned to the trio, "Well you guys better head to class, you're gonna be late."

"Yes Sensei!" They quickly said, turning to leave.

"Bye Deku!" Uraraka called out to him, waving goodbye. He waved back to her, his expression not really changing though.

"See you later Midoryia." Todoroki said as well, following Uraraka out the door. Once they were all gone it was just Midoryia and Aizawa in the room.

"Where's the others?" Midoryia seemed confused as he looked at the empty seats.

"I have a free period during this time." Aizawa answered.

"Free period?"

"Yeah, that means I don't have to teach a class. However, there is someone coming by that I want you to meet."

Midoryia tilted his head. "Who?"

Just then, the door knob to the classroom turned softly as a tall boy slinked into the room. He had large bags under his eyes, an obvious sign that he was in need of sleep. He closed the door softly behind him as he walked over to the duo. Midoryia's eyes widened.

"Midoryia I would like you to meet-" Aizawa began before the boy stood up quickly from his seat.


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