1-After Five Years

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A/N: So guys this chapter is Jon's pov and again on 3rd chapter I'll go on with 3rd person's pov

Another blow with my seraph blade and then the demon finally disappeared to its home dimension. I turned around to see Sebestian (my brother) had just finished his job. I slowly lowered the blade. Five years ago, If anyone told me that these demons, Shadowhunters, warlocks, vampires: basically the shadow world existed I would have laughed on their face. Five years. Five years ago my father got me out from my foster family..i will never be able to thank him enough for that. I learnt a lot about myself. My mother was Jocelyn Fairchild, she basically ditched my father after Seb was born(yup i am the oldest). Serves right for my father though he shouldn't have mixed demon blood with sebby's blood. My father is not at all a good man. To be honest he is pretty evil. (Ya ik you must be thinking how come i am thankful to him and still call him evil). Well what do you call a man who wants to win over his own race and allied himself with demons: the ones he should be slaying!

Okay back to my mother, she ran away to the mundane world, that was all i knew till a year ago. A year ago i walked into this girl, she had fiery red hair, emerald green eyes just like mine, not a shade lighter or darker, she even had freckles and i felt something tug at the back of my mind. Idk why but she seemed familiar. She stared at the space i was standing in and blinked her eyes, i suddenly remembered that i was glamoured and i quickly stepped aside, just then a brown haired boy with spects came beside her and said, "what happened clary? What are you staring at?" The girl, Clary, shook her head and said "i swear i bumped into something here Simon, must be my over-imaginative brain C'mon let's go". Then Clary and the boy, Simphon i think, walked away.

Then realization hit me. How could I not recognize before? I raced after her and quickly put the invisibility rune on me ( i can create runes..my father isn't sure how. Probably because of my extra angel blood. So this rune i created made sure i was invisible to even Shadowhunters a/n: ironic right?? Ik that 😂). Clary looked just like Jocelyn, my mother, i hoped i could get till my mother and then sure enough i learnt a lot of things that i listed below:
1) Jocelyn was pregnant with Clary when she ran away
2)Clary was being treated by Magnus Bane to forget everything about the shadow world
3)Lucian Graymark , my father's former parabatai turned werewolf, is taking care of them.
4) My mom was going by the name Jocelyn Fray.
5)Simson/simphon/Simpson, whatever was Clary's bff

I was secretive about this discovery. If Valentine gets to know about Jocelyn then he'll hunt her down for the mortal cup and i dreaded the prospect of Clary being left alone. I basically stalked my sister for the whole year and made sure she was safe and sound.

        Much to my dismay Valentine found out about them a week ago and thankfully doesn't know about me being around them. He thinks Clary is Jocelyn's and Luke's daughter. I have to keep my mouth shut..if dad or seb get to know that I haven't told them about this for one whole year, they will kick me out of the plan..then I can't stop my father from doing that evil thing he is planning to do.
I will watch out for Clary, I'll make sure she is safe I'll be a worthy son to my mother: my real mother
I will.
I will.
I will.

A/N: Enjoyed? Let me know in the comments. Anyone want to be part of the fanfic.. send me your name, eye colour and hair colour. Will be updating soon

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