11:51 AM - Do not kiss him

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"Maybe I was wrong, after all. You haven't changed."


"Just eat." Misty didn't want him opening his mouth and launching all the food at her. She knows better; she's been through a food rocket launched by Ash right at her face when she was ten. "Don't talk."

Ash took a moment to swallow. Of course, he ate the burger in three bites. Misty wasn't surprised.

"Are you still breathing?"

Ash sighed heavily. "Now I'm no longer hungry!"

"Of course, you aren't. You filled three trays!"

"I was only eating chips for the whole trip!"

"Fair enough."

Misty and Ash smiled at the same time at each other. The eye contact seemed to be a little tense, and both felt that; they looked away from each other at the same time.

"Dawn is saying hi, by the way. She asked about you earlier."

"How is she?" Misty had nothing against Dawn. Of course, she's not jealous of her. Why would she? She was only close to Ash because her mother dated his father; there was no romance whatsoever between them. She was younger than Ash and he treated her like a little sister. Just because they live together doesn't mean they are doing anything, right?

"She's doing great. When I left, she was dating Barry. Not sure if he's still going to be around when I come back! I might find Kenny or even Paul or Corry or Conway or whatever his name is!"

"She's pretty and guys like her." Misty spoke with a little hint of jealousy in her voice. The redhead stalked her Instagram in secret, and boy it had some nice-looking pictures.

"She doesn't have pretty eyes like yours, though!" Ash grinned childishly.

"That's not true." Misty's voice was nervous.

"Yes, it is!" Ash pulled closer to Misty, inspecting her eyes and making her even more nervous. "Yours are unique!"

"Stop it with my eyes." She pulled away and pouted.

"I like them!"

It's going to be over soon, Misty told herself. Just hang on, and most importantly, do NOT KISS him.

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