02:57 AM - I've got something to say

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"Hey Mist?"


"Are you awake?"

Misty turned to the side. The room was dark, but she could see Ash's dark silhouette at the door of her bedroom, the blanket wrapped around him. She sat up and turned on her bed lamp.

"Ash? Are you okay? What's going on?" The redhead rubbed her eyes.

"I have to tell you something." He was frowning. It wasn't a good sign.

"Is everything okay?"

Ash walked over to Misty's bed and sat on the edge. He said, "I hid something from you."

Misty feared the worst. Yet, anything else other than a terminal illness was fine. She could take anything but losing her love interest to death. The redhead glanced at her digital watch. It was three in the morning. She had work in five hours.

"I did something you wouldn't like." He confessed.

"And what is it?" At least he's not ill.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm sorry I woke you up but I have to tell you this."

"Just say it, Ash."

"I signed up for two years of military service."

Misty's face fell. She gasped. "What?"

He stuttered, "I know I don't have to do it because I don't live in Kanto anymore but... I volunteered."

"You WHAT?" Misty gasped.

"I-..." Ash panicked. "Gary is going too. It's mandatory for him."


"I'm just saying-"

"Don't say ANYTHING!" She shouted at him. "Are you telling me you just went to Kanto's Office in Sinnoh, signed yourself up for this and now going around as if nothing happened?"

Ash frowned. "I'm really sorry. I had no idea everyone would be mad at me."


"It's just two years... and phones are allowed now!"

Misty said nothing. She needed to regain herself. At three in the morning, Ash walks in her bedroom and tells her he's signed up himself for military service he doesn't have to do. She was devastated. He was supposed to be spared and happy about it! When he obtained his Sinnoh passport, he called her, crying from joy.

"What are you parents saying about this?"

"Both are very mad." Ash shrugged. "Even Dawn's mom. Dawn is okay... she was mad at first but not anymore."

"Well, add me to the list of the VERY mad people."

He slowly reached for her hand. "Please don't be mad."

"Do I have to remind you of all the times you complained about it when you were here?" Misty sighed heavily.

"I'm doing it because I want to. No one is making me do anything now. I'm not obliged to. I don't want anyone to force me to serve."

"Are you doing this because Gary Oak is going too?" She gave him a warning look.

"No." He shook his head.

"He is capable of dragging you into this!" What if he was jealous that Ash had a choice and he didn't? She was going to smash his face next time she sees him. She knew his usual coffee shop in Pallet town. He was doomed.

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