07:45 PM - High school pictures

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"Oh, it's, like, Ash!"


"You're, like, so handsome now!"

Misty watched as her sisters Daisy, Lily and Violet squeezed her friend's face and arms. She knew it was a bad idea to let Ash see her sisters, but it was Ash who asked her -innocently- if he could see them, and she ended up calling them to her house.

"Oh wow, like, you're so tall too." Daisy looked him up and down. She rubbed his cheek, making Misty groan.

"Misty said you and Tracey are engaged. Congrats." Ash was trying to make a conversation as Violet and Lily checked him out.

"Do you have, like, abs?" Violet lifted his shirt quickly, making Ash's face instantly flush. Misty gasped. "Violet!"

"I think I saw abs!" Lily fangirled. "Like, oh my god!"

Misty grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him away from her three sisters. "You three should go."

"No! Like, we just started!" Violet frowned.

"Started what?" Misty was going insane.

"We're, like, sooo staying! Ash is, like, so cool now!" Lily grabbed his good hand. "We can show you, like, Misty's high school pictures! Daisy brought, like, a lot of pictures!"

"Really?" Ash beamed. He pulled Misty's hand away.

"No!" Misty could feel her ears get hot. She told Ash, "You still have to go to Pallet town to see your mom, remember?"

"But I want to see your high school pictures!" He whined.

"Like, you get to see them if you, like, take your shirt off!" Violet and Lily giggled mischievously.

"Yes! Like, oh my god." Daisy put her hand inside her purse. "I've got them, like, right here!"

Ash put his hands on his shirts' hems. "Really? Are you going to show me?"

"Ash, don't listen – they're silly – they're being stupid again."

Ash scratched his cheek.

Lily, Daisy and Violet squealed when Ash took off his shirt. A single awkward scream could be heard in the background.

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