26- Le Pope

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I watched as our carriage neared the gates of the place where we were supposed to drop Melty off.

We wandered around a little, and once we found the drop-off spot for Melty, we smiled and waved as she said her thanks to us.

"Can I walk her home?" Asked Filo.

"Of course, don't forget the reward!" I told Filo with a smile on my face.

Naofumi and Raphtalia nodded behind me.

After all, the rewards seem to be the most important to him.

Not surprised!

"We'll miss her, won't we?" Raphtalia sighed.

"I'm sure we'll see her again." Assured Naofumi.

We continued to walk to our next stop.

The church to get some holy water for Raphtalia's wounds.

When we arrived, I looked up to see 3 big things on top of the church itself. 

I wondered what it was for.

It certainly looked... Interesting.

I heard someone sort of grumbling under their breath and I turned my head towards the sound.

Naofumi was gritting his teeth in anger.

I followed his eyes and found that on top of the 3 interesting things I saw earlier were the Bow, Spear, and Sword.

Oh, no wonder.

I placed my hand against his back, and when he looked down at me, I smiled.

"Don't worry. That'll change someday. We can do it together."

His stern and tense face relaxed and nodded.

"We'll get you up there too." He added.

I simply grinned even wider.

We walked inside the big building and was immediately greeted by the judgemental sounds of the others in the church.

"What's he doing here?"

"I heard what he did to his only party member."

"What're those things on the sides of the girl?"

My happy and patient mood earlier was slowly fading.

I could hear their nasty words so easily because of the echoes!

Are they aware of that??

Doesn't seem that way.

As my patience was as thin as a piece of string and was soon to snap, we met the pope.

He came down the stairs, head high and mighty.

The women beside us knelt down to show their appreciation for the old man.

"At least they shut up." I murmured, careful not to alert the other people in the building.

"Welcome to the church. I saw your magnificent battle at the royal palace."

Naofumi only moved his head down slightly, to show that he was listening.

"The way you fought with the odds stacked against you left a deep impression on me."

Why did I dislike these compliments for Naofumi?

It isn't like he gets these often and I should be happy, but this old man really does seem sketchy.

"I could not believe you held your own despite wielding a shield."

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