Ryland Storms- Pranking

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Ryland is such a prankster. He pranks me any chance he gets. And it's supper annoying. But today I was going to get him back. Him and his friends are on the way back from the mall so I decided that this was my chance. I was going to do the dead girlfriend prank. Time to get the camera set up.

"Hi YouTube it's me Y/N and I'm back with another prank on Ryland. He is out with his friends and they are on their way back so I have to get ready. He is going to be so mad so baby I'm sorry in advance. Let's get right into the prank" Then I put the camera down and put the blood 🩸 every where. On the floor the sink and by the where I was going to be. Then I put on a white tea shirt with some nike shorts. Then I went and unlocked the door. Then I got the knife(so I let would look realistic) then I put the blood on my shirt and on my legs and face. Then I waited for Ryland and his friends to get back

-Time skip 15 minutes later-

I hear the door open and I hear Ryland calling me.
R- Babe? I'm back Where are you
N- Maybe she's in your room
T- yeah go look
It's about to happen he coming in. I hear the door to our room and Then he comes walking in the bathroom
T- What's going on.. Oh shit Nick get in here

Nick comes in Ryland comes running to me picking me up shaking me trying to wake me up.
R- Baby please wake up I need you. You are the love of my life. My pride and joy. The reason I wake up in the morning. I can't live without you please. I need you in my life

At this point I was starting to feel guilty. He was in full tears holding me in his arms. Not letting go for a second

T- What are we going to do
N- Yeah we can't just leave her like that
R- I know I just want my baby back. She was my everything.

At this moment I knew that I had to do something. They had started to walk out of the bathroom leaving me there. So I got up and got the camera. So I could get his reaction I ran up behind him and hugged him so tight

R- 😨😱
N- Oh hell naw that shit ain't funny
R- No it's not you went way to far
Y/N- Baby. I got you so good. You always prank me so I decided why not get you back
R- this was not funny I thought the love of my life died.
Y/N- I'm sorry baby I love you so much
R- I for give you and I love you but your cleaning that up
He says as he points to the mess I made. I hugged him and started to clean up 🧼 my mess. And close out the YouTube video. But what he doesn't know is that this is the first of many pranks to come. I'm not done pranking him. So he better get ready.

That's all people. This is basically where I got the idea from

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