Mattia Polibio - Pregnant

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I wake up with the worst stomach ache ever. I've never been so sick. I run to the bathroom. I start throwing up. Then I remembered I missed my period. No No I'm only eighteen. What If breaks up with me. I love him to much. I have to get a test.

Y/N- Babe I'm going to the store ok

M- Ok babe see you when you get back

I walk out or room and I grab my keys and I get in the car and drive to the nearest CVS to get a test. I walk in there I pick up 3 boxes of the test so I can take them. I walk to the counter and the lady stops me

L- Why are you buying pregnancy test at your age. Do your parents know your here?

Y/N- That's non of your business I just need these three test so scan them so I can pay for them

L-Ok it was just a question no need to get defensive

At this point I'm getting ticked off. She better be glad I'm in a hurry. I pay for them then I walk back to my car. I get back home and I see Mattia sitting on the game

Y/N- Hey babe I'm back

M- Hey baby what did you get

He says as you hug him trying to get away from his grip

Y/N- Just the usual

M- Ok babe I'm just playing with the boys but we can go do something later ok

Y/N- Ok babe

I say hurrying to the bathroom trying to avoid anymore questions. As soon as I get to the bathroom I tear all three test open. I put them on my counter taking one test at a time. I finished taking the test and I have to wait 5 minutes for results.

I pick them up and they all say positive. I started to sob. I can't be pregnant. I'm only eighteen. I'm not ready to have kid to look after. What do I tell Mattia. He might leave me. I don't want to loose him. He's my everything. Why couldn't it say negative.

I sat there still sobbing when I heard a knock

Y/N- C-Come in
M- Baby what's wrong why are you crying in the bathroom
Y/N- Promise you won't get mad or leave me ok?
M- I promise now tell me your scaring me
Y/N- So you know how we had sex about a month ago right?
M- Yep
Y/N- This morning I got sick and was throwing up. And I haven't had my period so I went and got three test and took them.
M- What did they say
Y/N- They all said positive. I'm sorry I should've told you to use protection. And if you want to break up I understand
M- Why would I break up with you. I've always wanted to have kids with you now it's finally coming true.
Y/N- Really. I love you so much🥰😘
M- I love you too now do you want to get something to eat
Y/N- I would love that

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