Jaden Hossler - Relationship

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Names you call each other


Babes, Mamas, Babygirl, My love, Bae, Baby, My baby, My queen, Princess


Babyboy, Baby, Jae, Bubs, Prince

Hickeys he gives you

Hickeys he gives you

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Hickeys you give him

Hickeys you give him

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What he says when you are insecure

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What he says when you are insecure

"Shut up get out my face with all that nonsense. You are beautiful are always remember that. Now get over her so we can take pictures with your fine self"

What he does when your on your period

He goes to the store and buys candy

Then he gets a teddy bear

Than when he gets home he makes a fort

He orders Chic fil A

Then you and him cuddle al night

When you did the Towel challenge while he was on the game

Y/N- Babe

J- Yes baby

Y/N- Look at me baby

J- why do I- Woah

Y/N- Like what you see

J- Always, Boys I'll play later. Now come here Y/N

Then he runs over to you and yall do stuff

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