Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm clock screamed in the silent bedroom. A girl about twenty sluggishly reached over to turn it off. It took a few times and when her wandering fingers touched the alarm clock, she turned it off immediately. The girl groaned as she forced herself to wake up. She sat up and stretched. That girl was Krista Timm. She had bright green eyes and blonde hair that fell a little past her shoulders.

"Why did summer have to go by?" she muttered to herself. Her phone began to ring. Her Caller ID showed "Kayla", her best friend.

"Hey Kayla." she said into the phone.

"Hey, did you still want to carpool to school together?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up in about an hour or so."

She hung up after they said their goodbyes and picked out a pair of clothes. Today was their first day at SDSU. She placed them in the bathroom and turned on the water. She stripped her pjs off and climbed into the warm shower. The warm water was helping her wake up and she cleaned herself up. Soon after, the water turned off and she dried herself off, putting clothes on her damp body. She began to get ready and she grabbed her bag and went off to get Kayla.

"Hey Kayla, how was your summer?"

"It was fine. It went by quick though."

"I know. It seems like just yesterday we graduated."

The two girls kept talking as they headed over to the school. Once they got there, they saw a few people they knew from high school.

"Who's that?" Krista asked as she saw a blonde haired boy flirting with a group of girls. He looked to be about twenty-one.

"I heard he's the bad boy of the school. He likes to party, drink, hit on girls." Kayla explained.

"What's his name?"

"I think his name is Niall Horan, but I'm not sure."

Krista stared at him for a while and Kayla looked at her.

"Krista? Krista? Krista!"

"What? Yeah, I'm back."

Kayla laughed and they went to go get their schedules. The bell rang the two girls parted their ways. Krista was majoring in music. She got to her class and sat at an empty seat.

"Hey class, hope everyone had a great summer. Tomorrow we'll get down to business. So nice of you to join us Mr. Horan and Mr. Malik."

The whole class turned and looked at the two boys. Beside Niall was a boy about the same age as him. He had jet black hair, tan skin that was partially covered in tattoos, and mocha brown eyes.

"Sorry, got lost." Niall said with no emotion. He had an Irish accent and the two began to walk over to their seats. Niall and Krista made eye contact and he winked at her. Krista looked down and blushed. They sat behind her and the teacher began to speak again.

"Now, today we're just going to talk about what we're going to be doing in this class."

As Krista was listening, she felt a something hit her arm lightly. She looked down to see a crumpled piece of paper next to her. She picked it up and smoothed it out.

'Hey baby. Is it hot in here or is it just you ;) What do you say you meet me by the lockers after class?'

Krista turned around and Niall puckered his lips for a moment and winked at her. The class seemed to go by fast and Krista was packing up her books and headed to her locker.

"So glad you made it, baby." Niall said. Krista turned around and looked at him.

"I-I was just putting my books away." she responded.

"Well why not you and I ditch a class and go back to my dorm?" he smirked.

"Ha-ha. You're funny. I'm here to get my dream job. I don't want to spend the first day already hitting it with you."

"Ooh someone's feisty. I love that about girls."

"Don't you have anything better to do besides flirt with every girl?"

"Come on, you know you love it deep inside. All the girls fall for me."

Well, to Krista he was pretty cute, but she didn't like where the conversation was going.

"Well congratulations! You now made me realize you're also conceited. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be late to my next class." Krista closed her locker and headed in the opposite direction, leaving Niall standing there.

For the next two classes, Krista didn't have to worry about Niall, although she met some of his buddies. Liam, Harry, and Louis. At least they didn't hit on her like Niall did in the hallway. But when it came to guitar class, she saw Niall sitting down.

'You've got to be kidding me?' she thought to herself.

She sat in the back of the classroom, trying to avoid him. She grabbed a nearby guitar like everyone else did and began to pluck the strings, getting lost in the music. Pretty soon she began to sing quietly to herself.

"Comparisons are easily done once you've had a taste of perfection."

"I see you like Katy Perry huh?"

Krista looked up to see a boy standing over her, smiling. He was good-looking, green eyes, and light brown hair.

"Oh yeah." she smiled.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"No not at all."

The boy smiled and sat next to her. To him she was really pretty. Green eyes and blonde hair.

"You sing incredibly. I wonder why I don't see you on The Voice or something."

Krista laughed and felt her cheeks get warm.

"I'm Max."

They shook hands and smiled.

"You play really good too."

"Thanks. I've been playing since I was 12."

He smiled at her. In his mind he thought she was really beautiful up close.

"You have really pretty eyes."

"Oh...thank you. So do you."

They both smiled and laughed. From the corner of her eye, she saw Niall glaring at Max. It seemed as though Niall was a little jealous of Max. She looked back at Max and the two talked for the rest of the class. The bell rang and the two said their goodbyes. At the door, Niall blocked Krista's way.

"Um...can I help you?" she asked.

"So you're talking to other guys huh?"

"Does that bother you in a way."
Niall just smirked.

"There's going to be a party Friday care to join me?"

"Hmm. Let me"

"Why not?"

"Because you're a jerk."

"Just you wait, babe. There'll be a day where you be like other girls."

With that he walked away and Krista glared at him.

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