Chapter 10: Life's a Party

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A few days have passed and it was New Year's Eve. Niall was hosting a big party that night and Krista decided to call up Kayla and invited her and Thomas.

"What time should we be there?"

"How about six?"

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Krista hung up and felt strong arms wrap around her.

"You excited, princess." Niall mumbled while kissing her neck.

"As I'll ever be."

She turned herself around and wrapped her arms around his torso. He began to kiss her neck.

"Niall, we have to decorate still." Krista said.

"But, princess." Niall whined, continuing on her neck. Krista bit her lip to keep moans from coming out.

"I know you can't resist when I go here." Niall said, nudging his nose on her sweet spot. Krista was still quiet.

"Alright, it's the hard way." Niall mumbled. He gently kissed her sweet spot, soon biting it with his teeth and licking over the reddish mark.

"Niall." Krista moaned out. Niall pulled away and kissed her temple.

"Haha I knew I could break you." Niall said looking at her.

"Great, now I'm gonna have a hard time covering that from people tonight."

"Don't, I want to show everyone that you're mine." Niall said. Krista laughed and pecked his lips.

"Now that's done, let's finish up here okay."

"Oh believe me princess, I'm not done with you." Niall said with a wink.

"Trust me baby, I'll make sure that happens tonight." Krista said returning a wink. Niall grinned widely and they quickly finished decorating the place.

"That purple love bite looks really good on you. You should wear more of them." Niall said.

"Haha very funny Horan. Come on let's get ready."

The two got ready and people began to show up. Louis, Liam, Harry, and Zayn showed up within ten minutes.

"I see you're already marked." Louis said smiling.

"Yeah, quite a few times. Isn't that right, Niall?" Krista smirked while crossing her arms. He smirked and took a swig of his beer. All of a sudden, Kayla and Thomas showed up.

"Hey, I'm so glad you guys made it."

"Oh my god, is that what I think it is?" Kayla asked smiling. Krista smiled and ran her hand over the love bite.

"Wait, are you and Niall dating?"

Krista smiled wider and both Kayla and Thomas were shocked.

"To be honest, we kind of...well...slept together." Krista admitted. Kayla and Thomas' eyes widened.

"What did he do to you?" Kayla asked with a slight smile on her face.

"Nothing, we kissed then ended up going further. I actually liked it, too."

Kayla looked at Thomas, who was already smiling.

"Wow, who knew a girl like you would change dramatically." he laughed.

"I guess you're right." Krista laughed.

"Well I'm happy for you, just be careful okay. I don't want you to be hurt." Kayla said while hugging Krista.

"I know thanks."

All of a sudden, she ran into Max.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you made it." Krista said hugging him tight.

"Is it me, or did you get more beautiful."

"You're quite the charmer aren't you, Max? Where are all the girls at?" Krista joked.

"I've had a few girls like me, but I turned them down."

"Why?" Krista asked.

"I sort of like this girl."

Krista smiled and all of a sudden, people were passing out noise makers and horns.

"Holy shit, already ten minutes until midnight," Krista said looking at her phone, "I have to go find Niall."

"So you're dating him, huh? That's not like you to date someone like him." Max said. He felt his heart breaking. He always loved her and every time a girl told him she liked him, Krista would be the first thing that popped into his head.

"Yeah, I was going to tell you. But, the holidays have been hectic." Krista said with an apologetic look.

"Well you seem happy." Max said with a forced smile.

"Yeah. I don't know how he does it, but he's so sweet to me yet he keeps his bad boy image alive." Krista laughed. Max just smiled at her.

"Well I should probably go find him. I'll see you later okay." Krista said giving him another hug.

"Happy New Year." Max said. Krista smiled and went to go find Niall. Soon later, the countdown begun.

"5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!" people shouted. Niall faced Krista and kissed her passionately.

"Happy New Year, princess. I love you." Niall said as he pulled away.

"I love you too, Niall." Krista replied pecking his lips once more.

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