Chapter 30

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Aelin's POV

Okay. Enough weeping, Aelin. Just go check on everyone. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up. I turned to walk back to my daughter only to find a ghost leopard blocking my way.

For a second I was ready to fight it until I saw a small spot on the inside of its paw. Lysandra. Lysandra. Here.

I rushed forward and hugged her even if she was a ghost leopard. I buried my face in her fur.

I pulled back and she shifted so she was human. She gave me a rather confused look, "How did you know?"

"Don't you remember, Lys? It's me." She cocked her head. "Oh. Right. I forgot that everyone thinks I'm dead." I tried hiding the sorrow that rose inside me at the thought of everyone I know thinking I'm dead.

She stared in my eyes. "Aelin?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. "How are you here? Rowan and Lorcan and Fenrys and Aedion said you were dead."

"I was in another world. And now I'm here and I'm probably going to need some new clothes. Ansel probably has some." I winced at the thought of that army that had been ready to march on my kingdom and the king I had just killed.

"Ansel? What's she doing here?" Lysandra asked me.

"She wanted to kill Rowan because there's a rumour going around that he killed me." I again winced at the words because even saying it made me feel as if I was betraying him. "Don't worry about the army, though. It's all dealt with."

"Aelin..." There was a hint of warning in her voice. She knew I didn't just mean the attack. 

"Fine. I may have killed the king of Melisande." She just stared at me.

"Aelin! That's insane! Even for you!" She shouted at me.

"It was completely deserved. He made a foul treaty to split Terrasen with Fenharrow and lied to the faces of everyone else, saying that Rowan killed me," I defended myself. She raised a brow.

"That doesn't mean you have to kill him Aelin. There has to be another reason. Just tell me already." Lysandra had a frown on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it," I muttered. "You can ask Manon." I walked back towards the group in my flames. "You coming?" She rolled her eyes.

"Aelin, are you okay?" Feyre asked me as she walked up to me. I nodded. I wish Fenrys was here. Or Rowan. Especially Rowan. "I'm sorry for what happened." I waved off her words.

"You have nothing to apologize for. Has everyone been introduced?" I asked Lorcan and he shook his head. "First things first, Elide it's good to see you again. Second, this is my daughter Elentiya. Third, this is Feyre, High Lady of the Night Court and Mor third in command of the Night Court. Feyre, Mor. These are two members of my court, Lysandra Ashryver, my cousin-in-law, shape-shifter, and Lady of Caraverre and Elide Lochan, Lady of Perranth and Lorcan's mate and wife. If any of you didn't know there is an army that was just disbanded and I'm going to go finish talking to them. Elentiya can you come with me? I need you to soften the lords of Fenharrow up so they won't attack Terrasen."

I walked back into the forest with Elentiya beside me.

"Mom? Why are you on fire?" She asked me.

I smiled down at her, "I accidentally burned my clothes off earlier. I was a bit mad because I found the person who had Hades capture me." She scowled. "That's how I felt. He wanted to take everything from me. My kingdom, my family, my friends, my life and you. Hades was supposed to kill the both of us," I told her.

"I hate Hades." She told me. "But I hate the person who wanted us dead more."

"Me too, darling. Me too."

As we walked into the clearing Lysandra, Elide and Lorcan had come to walk by my one side and Manon, Petrah, Bronwen, Feyre and Mor walked at my other side. I crowned Elentiya and myself in flames. This was our kingdom and we wouldn't let anything happen to it.


I looked at the figures sitting before me. Ansel had given me an extra cloak. The lords of Fenharrow were sitting together and they were trying to decide what they wanted to do.

"So. Aelin. Why did everyone think you were dead?" I looked down. I couldn't answer that question. Not after what I had found out today.

Do you want me to tell her? Feyre asked me. I gave her a barely perceptible nod.

"She was captured and tortured. When she gave birth to Elentiya she attempted to escape. She created a portal to my Court in my world only the man that had captured her, now known as Hades, stole Elentiya away. But when she went through the portal the mating bond and blood-oaths were severed making her seem dead. She was presumed dead until she managed to find a way back to this world." Feyre finished. I flashed her a grateful smile.

"How long?" Ansel asked, her voice softening slightly.

"Eight months." The words were barely a whisper.

Ansel was shocked, to say the least, "How the hell are you still alive!" I glanced over at Elentiya.

"I endured it for my daughter. So she could live." I looked down. There had been times I had considered ending it. But... She'd kept me sane. Or at least sane enough to not let go. "I would do anything for her." I glanced towards Elentiya and saw that she was staring at me.

"I hear you, Aelin. I'd do anything for Rhoe." I raised a brow. My father was dead and she had never met him. "Not your father, my son."

"YOU HAVE A SON!!!!" I shouted. "That is crucial information!"

"I don't see how-" She started.

"Because that makes me an Aunt!" I shouted.

"Weren't you already an Aunt?" She asked me.

"Oh. Right. Josefin. Still. Congratulations! And Elide... Do you have any surprises?" I asked. I had suspected there might be something.

"Well... We also have a son." She said while blushing. "His name's Cal." After her father.

"Congratulations!" I hugged Lysandra and Elide. Then patted Lorcan on the shoulder.

I dropped all excitement as I turned towards the Lords of Fenharrow. "So. Fenharrow. I believe you have two choices. Either you can leave peacefully are I can destroy you and your army. And since Deanna so kindly gave it all back I doubt you could withstand it."

Lysandra's, Lorcan's, Elide's and Manon's heads snapped towards me.

The lords gulped as they considered the two options. "We'll leave your Kingdom in peace. Or what might remain after Wendlyn's and the Khaganate's army." One of them said with a smirk.

I smirked back. Oh. There would be plenty because this was my home and with my magic, I was ready to defend it.

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