Chapter 4 - Revelation

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The lady lay in a wooden tub filled with sampaguita (jasmine flower) floating on water. She tried to recall the things that had happened to her people but all she saw was obscurity; then she remembered the night when she almost died from suffocation. There was a tear fell from the sky. "Was it Grandpa's?"

Minutes later, two servants came in the room, and they dressed her in Marlota, a robe embroidered with colorful moorish style. Gold necklaces and calombigas (armlets) ringed on her neck and wrists.  As soon as she was ready to meet the datu, the High Priestess came over to assist her to the datu's timbered longhouse.

Datu's longhouse looked as if like a standing tree with branches on both sides, facing towards sunrise; its wall and roof finish was covered with tree barks and coconut leaves. Lisuga and the High Priestess ascended to what they call it hagdan, before they reached the open platform. Upon entering through the crafted wooden door, they witness a wide gallery, where few men also caught their attention, while on the other side was a narrow alleyway leading to the private hall of datu.

"Tell me, child, are you feeling better now?"

"Yes. Thank you for your hospitality," she smiled. "I will make sure that your kindness will reach to my Grandfather. You can always ask me anything as long as it's His will."

"It is an honor, my dear child. So, tell me, what was it about that you had done something abominable?"

With a frown, the woman turned to look at the High Priestess and replied, "What about it?"

The High Priestess looked intently at her. She could not read her mind, but she observed how baffled the young lady was. "Nevermind. Anyway, we have arrived."

She caught her gaze upon the datu – Datu Paglinawan. He was wearing red Baquero, a jacket without a collar extending towards his feet, and a Putong on his forehead. Beside the chief was the man who rescued her. They were discussing the famine in their neighboring places and that they needed to expand their resources, or they will all find a new home. On the left corner was a group of priestesses and the High Priestess already joined them; behind the datu was his royal family from the mountain.

"Your grace, this lady wanted to see you," the brawny warrior said.

"And who is this woman?" The chief was interested in the lady. "-and where did you find her, Mangalangit?"

Then Datu Bangkaya answered, "It was I who have met her and taken her here, your grace."

"Why did you bring a stranger into our tribe?"

"I was about to-" But Bangkaya was interrupted by the lady. "Forgive me for my insolence. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lisuga, the goddess of the stars." Everyone was surprised in the hall. "Yes, I am the granddaughter of Kaptan, youngest daughter of Lihangin and Lidagat, sister of Liadlaw and Libulan. I came here with a warning."

The datu was speechless. The hall went silent for a moment then he found his voice and questioned Datu Bangkaya, "Is this true?" However, even Datu Bangkaya was still in shocked.

"I believe she is, your grace," finally the High Priestess had spoken. "Her symbolic strange tattoos speak for it." The High Priestess pulled up the lady's sleeve and showed it to the chief, "An emblem of the sun, of the moon and of the stars entwined towards the sky from our land; At the pinnacle of the mountain is the eye of the supreme god who watches them as they ascend." She looked back at Datu Paglinawan with anxiety, "And I saw it in her eyes that a war is coming."

"Yes," Lisuga added firmly. "Many outsiders have already invaded the islands of the North. And yes, they welcomed them in exchange for imported goods and protection, but in return, they would submit and pay tribute to the leader of the outsiders. They call them 'king'. What I am afraid of is that slavery will exist, and it will be the end of your reign and your tribe, Datu Paglinawan."

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