Chapter 16 - Brother

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Lisuga's eyes fixed towards the direction where Dumagan disappeared. She was struggling to recollect herself from her own heart-rending decision.

"Hello, my dear sister," coming from a man behind her.

"Liadlaw?" Lisuga's face lightened. "Is that really you?"

"Yes," he smirked.

She immediately ran towards him with excitement. She could smell his sun-dried sweat as she wrapped her arms to his body.

"I loathe you." Liadlaw whispered.

Lisuga was taken aback. She was astounded to hear him utter such hostility. "Did I just hear it wrong?"

"No, Sister, and I came here to challenge you to a duel."

"Brother, do you know what this means?"

"Yes. If one must die, then let me have it, for my heart has been long dead." He paused and examined her angelic yet perplexed eyes. "I did miss you, Lisuga, but because of you, I lost my will to live. And I lost her – the one I love. She should have been alive till now."

"I don't understand. What did I do wrong?"

Liadlaw sneered. "Quit the act!" He was enraged. "Everything was going at place. Just a look at her from afar was enough for me. Then, you interrupted. You killed her, and now, you will kill me."

"Enough!" Bangkaya appeared. "Brother, she didn't remember anything."

"Who the hell are you?" He drew his kampilan, thinking he was an enemy.

"Do not harm him. He is a friend who has been assisting me to find you and Libulan." Lisuga justified.

"No. It is all right. I will explain myself." He strode and stopped in the middle of them. "I am Licalibutan."

"Licalibutan?" They muttered together.

"Yes, I am your long-lost eldest brother. I've been in this body after Lisuga used the scepter. She somehow awakened my soul, so I travelled to find the right match."

"What do you mean? Please explain it to me, Brother." She said desperately.

"You were inlove with Dumagan." Licalibutan started to explain. "Then, when he got killed by the Ternatans-"

"You used the Scepter of Timelessness to bring back Dumagan." Liadlaw interferred with enmity. "Because of you, we are banished, and the more we stay here, the lesser immortal we've become. We need to find Libulan and combine our forces to bring back the old world."

Lisuga was defeated by her woe.

Liadlaw scoffed. "But you couldn't because you've given all your power to that man you love." Then he suddenly shouted to the bushes behind Lisuga. "Have you heard enough? Come out, Dumagan."

"It's alright, Brother. He needs to hear it from us. Besides, I was the one who told him to stay. Let's give this two some privacy." Licalibutan tried to calm Liadlaw's temper.

The chirping of the crickets enlivened the quiet night. Datu Dumagan stood still and just stared at Lisuga who could not look back at him. She was feeling anxious and confused.

"Hey." Dumagan finally broke the silence.

"Hey," she replied, but she still didn't look at him. She felt ashamed of what she did, and she was thinking what to say to him until it slipped to her mouth, "I can't be with you."

"I knew you'd say that, but I can always wait. Whatever you are struggling, I am always here to cheer you and to support you."

"No, I won't let you do that. It's too selfish of me."

Without hesitation, Dumagan embraced her unto his arms. "Then I am also selfish of wanting only you. Just tell me to wait for you. We have come a long way. Why must we give up now?"

"Please don't say that." Tears stung her eyes, but she didn't sob. "It's too much for me to bare. I hope you understand. Please take care of yourself and be with someone else. That is my request."

"No!" Dumagan answered furiously. "I won't give up on us. You fought for us before, then I will fight for us now."

She tried to free herself from his arms. "Stop! Can't you understand? This is the best for both of us. If you are wasting your life fighting for me, then you are throwing away the life I have given you!"

"I was the one who shot the man who tried to ravage you the night Licalibutan found you. Wasn't that a coincidence?"

But she ignored him and left.

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