《 24 》

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Settings: high school yard

"Hey babe, look at those girls, I bet I can get them to let me 'borrow' their money"

"Yea Yea jungkook do what you want"

"Ughhh babyyy come on! Let's go play with some girls hearts! Y'know, like what ya did with taehyung"

"Shut up. Don't speak about him"

"Ugh seokjin, when did you become so cold to you boyfriend~ you know I miss that nickname~~ remember~ come in call me it again"

"If I call you it only once you'll leave me alone!"

"Yea Yea babe."

"Okay fine! Jungkookie! Now scram"

"Aish that really isn't how you should treat your lover but I'll give you a pass"

~what can you do when you miss someone else? Your mind will always steer to them.

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