《 44 》

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Settings: taehyung hospital room
Coma time: 2 months, 1 week

"Morning tae! How are you! Guess what? I got a interview at ydol entertainment. Honestly, i don't really want an interview, I just wanted to talk with him. I was hoping he would help me start a business. But whatever... I'll have to tell him at the interview I guess. Anyway, I brought you a book! And I'll read it for you! It's one of my favorite books. This book actually has fairytales in it, but fairy tales you have probably never heard of."

Seokjin took a deep breath before starting to read of of his favorits.

"Their was once a man, he loved nature and especially birds. He was a loner, but he wasn't alone. He had birds as friends. He would communicat with them, and understand what they would say. He fed the birds, and loved them. People would call him 'the crazy old man who talks with birds' and all that, but he wasn't crazy at all, just a lone nice old man. But one day, his sister in law, wanted to sell his house. She told him to come over for dinner, where she actually locked him up in a room with no windows, and locked the door. He only had a tv, which he hated, and some crossword puzzles, which he hated even more. He hoped that he could get out of here, because he soon found out the wicked sister in laws plans to sell him home for money. He needed to get out of here, but he couldn't communicat with the birds to help him. The poor old man sighed, but than had an idea.

Everyday, the woman would give the old man soup and mashed potatoes, but on very special occasions, she would give him bread. The old man didn't eat the bread, no, he kept it in his large jacket, on the inner sides. One day, the old man tricked the sister in law. He knew it was time for his plan. He told the woman he felt sick, and needed medicine qiuckly. The old man was hoping she would take him outside, and drive him to a doctor, but instead his plan backfired, and she called a home doctor. The old man pretended to groan and feel sick in bed, while the woman made a phone call. But when he saw that the woman had accidentally kept the door open, he fled through, and left the crazy woman. But since he had no Windows, he hadn't seen that it was night time, and all the bird were gone.

The man fell onto his knees, sadly. But than he remebered, the bread. The mean threw the bread, but nothing. No birds came.

The old man than remebered a tune he used to whistle to the birds when he fed them. The old man whistled his heart out, hoping the only things he knew wouldn't bare out on him. Of course he couldn't run home, he had no idea where in the world he was, all that he knew was that he was far away. But that's when he heard a little squeak. The birds had came! The birds had remebered him! The birds sang along to the tune, and they all flew to his shoulders, and carried him away to the midnight sky, where he flew away with the birds.

The end"

Seokjin smiled. He could feel that taehyung had loved the story, even if he hadn't said anything.

Seokjin smiled wider and kissed taehyung cheek.

"I better go now, but I promise I'll come back, and tell you another story. Also taehyung.. i.. nevermind. Anyway, I really hope your okay with me kissing your head and cheek, I'm sorry if you don't Like it. I'll make it all up to you when you awake, I promise."

Seokjin left, but not without mouthing an, "I think I'm in love with you, goodbye"

And he left the room.

Did you all like the story? Please tell me, I don't want to annoy all of you with more fairy tales if you guys don't want them! And please vote! ♡♡♡

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