The end

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Taehyung held hand in hand with his husband, Seokjin, as they walked along the beautiful streets of Seoul.

It was the afternoon, in winter, little iceles frozen onto the trees, bits of snow here and there, but over all, not to cold.

Taehyung and Seokjin decided to leave there children with Taehyungs best friend, jimin, to babysit them while Taehyung and Seokjin had a nice stroll, Than would go on a small picnic date.

It was overall pretty nice. The two flittered, holding hands and giving each other little pecks on the cheek here and there.

But Seokjin abruptly stopped when he felt his younger husband pull him back, in a scream.

Seokjin was shocked, looking at who was standing in front of him. None other than Jeon jungkook.

"O-oh Sorry uhh is this it the right time?"
Jungkook mumbled, stuttering a bit.

"What the fuck do you want jungkook!"
Seokjin yelled in public, even though nobody was around, scooting Taehyung to go behind his back, protecting him.

"W-Wait! I don't want t-to hurt you!"
Jungkook yelled, putting his hands up in defense.

Seokjin and Taehyung glanced at each other for a second.
"Yea sure. You tried to kill me two times!"
Taehyung screamed, stomping his foot.

Jungkook kept his hand in the air.
"Look! I know what I did.. but it's in the past! I'm a different person! Really! I stayed in mental prison for 3 years, than, Than in a mental hospital for two more years. I've grown into a different person. I'm even going back for another year in a month. I just wanted to apologize before I get back to the mental hospital"

Taehyung and Seokjin worriedly looked at each other.

"I know.. it's really hard to forget what I did.. and to forgive... but please.. I have been regretting my actions for 5 years now.. and now that I finally found you two.. I'm so very very sorry..."
Jungkook said, little tears brimming in his eyes, starting to fall from his eyes, down his cheeks.
"Please forgive me"

Seokjin sighed, looking over to Taehyung.
"It's really only what my sweet Tae says.."

Taehyung looked away from Seokjins eyes.
"Look jungkook.. I honestly think that if none of that heppend.. we could've been good friends"

Jungkook brang his his head Ho with hope.
"It's always forgive and forget.. but never forget.. I'll still always remember what you put me through and did... but people should always get.. a third chance"

The three of them chuckled, a bit awkward.
"Y'know... I actully am getting married..."
Jungkook said.

Taehyung and Seokjin lifted here heads.
"Really? To who?"
Seokjin asked.

Jungkook smiled a bit.
"When I was in the mental prison, everyday, Namjoon would call to ask how I'm doing. Than, when I went to the hospital 3 years later, he was a theripist there, my special therapist. We already loved each from high school.. and I'm surprised he kept our relationship.. but we truely love each other, and want to get married next year."

Taehyung softly smiled, going in for a hug to jungkook, where jungkook didn't even know what to do. He had forgotten how to hug.

"Mmhm really sorry"
Jungkook cried, more tears coming down his bread cheeks.

Seokjin smiled as well, going in with a small hug. He never thought he'd see jungkook again, unless it was behind bars, but this time Seokjin was happy to see jungkook getting help, and a lover.

Jungkook, really did change. And he didn't lie.

Over the next years, the same group became best friends, even after what had happened, jungkook was a whole new different person. Namjoon even told them stories of how jungkook was when he first came in.

It was fun with them all, Namjoon and jungkook actually adopted a child a few years later, and it all seemed to come in all amazing and fast.

Sometimes people really do have good hearts, but are just blinded with horrible thoughts.

The end.

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