Why so mean??

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Why does Damon have to be so mean??? I know that he is protecting all of us, but he doesn't have to be that mean about it!!!! Honestly, I don't like Damon. He is stupid. If he hurts Elena at all I will kill him, or just get Jeremy or Alaric to do it for me.

"Hey sweetcheeks." Damon says as he sits down next to me.

"Don't call me that. I don't like you. I hate you. I despise you. You are stupid. Go away." I snap back at him.

"Woah!! Now, no need to go that far........ I mean, I know that we got off on the wrong foot and all. But, seriously Jen, come on, you can't actually hate me that much........ can you??" He says back to me, looking a little hurt.


I don think Jenna likes me that much. Well, she did say that she despises and hates me, so yeah she definitely wants to drive a stake through my heart!

"Elena could you please ask your aunt to try and be civilised when Damon's around because I can't stand the two of them bickering any more, we can't stand it anymore we are at breaking point!" I hear Caroline screeching to Elena.

"Oh yeah I forgot about Katherine, AND Stefan's part in that." Caroline says.

"Well I'm sorry, but Jenna did start it." I say to her from the door way.

"Damon??? Were you spying on us, or just listening in?!" Elena says to me, sounding a surprised.

"Hey, it's not MY fault that I'm a vampire, and I have super hearing......" I say back to the both of them.


It's taking forever for them to realise that I'm at the door. I wonder who will see me first? If Caroline sees me, she'll probably come outside to talk me into giving up. She feels sorry for me, but I don't care. If she does come outside I will grab her, and use her as bait to lure Elena outside and the I will rip both of there hearts out!!!

It's the perfect plan, or it would've been, if Matt hadn't just come to the door and scream out! "if you say that I'm here, I will go into the woods, set them on fire, then come back to the house and burn it down. With everyone in it." I say to Matt so he shuts his mouth.

"What is it? Is it Stefan, oh please don't let it be Stefan??!!" Jenna says.

"Sorry Jen, it was just a raccoon." He says trying to convince her that I had nothing to do with the scream.

"Jenna it's not a raccoon!!!! I hear Elena day as she comes down the stairs. "it's Stefan, Matt don't look into his eyes!" She shouts.

"Now Matt, I want you to go into the kitchen, grab a knife and tell Elena that if she doesn't come out here you will kill Bonnie and the kill your self." I compell Matt before he has a chance to look away.

"Matt, what are you doing, why have you got a knife?" Elena asks him.

"If you don't go outside right now, I will kill Bonnie and then my self." I hear him say.

"No, Matt I won't go outside, and I won't let you kill Bonnie or yourself. Quick Caroline, go to the kitchen and get all of the knifes then hide them somewhere don't tell anybody where." she says to Caroline.

"ok, but what about the knife that Matt has?" She says back. "I'll take care of it." Elena says.

Elena jumps at Matt and he stands waiting for her, she grabs the knife throws it to Caroline and the takes Matt to the cell in the basement so he can't hurt Bonnie, but she stays with him just to make sure that he doesn't try to hurt himself.

Caroline runs in to the kitchen grabs every knife that she can find and then runs up stairs. When she comes down Damon is behind her looking quite pissed. He takes one look at me, then turns around and heads for the basement.

Damon's P.O.V.

I run down to the basement and see elena locking the doors and telling someone to calm down, I get closer and see Matt what was happening.

"Elena was blondie taking all my knives and you locking your buddy up, I'm so confused so try explain things so I can understand what on earth is happening here!"

Elena looked startled and then she cleared her throat and told me" well Stefan was at the door and compelled Matt to kill himself and bonnie if I didn't go outside and then care took all the knives, I attacked Matt and took a knife from him and here we are right now."

Wow my mind was spinning, I could hear a sniffle and i walk up to elena and give her a hug this poor girl doesn't deserve any of this. I pull away and then elena"whispers thank you damon, you change around me i like it, I like caring you as well as badass you."

I couldn't help but smile "elena I'm only different around you because I care deeply about you, elena I would do anything to have you but i know friends is all I will get. its honestly fine but I will try be a little sensitive around everyone."

Elena's P.O.V.

Damon was changing and I have only just noticed it, I have been to busy with my own problems to notice him or anyone else. I feel terrible for being so mean to him now, I have been so preoccupied lately with my life on the line and him protecting me I didn't know it was because he cared so much but for him self.

I process a few things in my head and check on matt, he is asleep on the floor stupid Stefan I will kill him next time. I walk back over to where damon has passed out on the floor. he looks so peaceful I lay down next to him and pull a rug over us it gets cold down here, I move closer to him when he says"Hey what you doing down on the ground with me, I thought you went back up to your room to sleep. you go upstairs and I will watch Matt."

"No I don't want to go upstairs knowing matts down here under compulsion trying to kill himself and I would feel bad for leaving you down here to watch him."

"Elena I would do it because like I said before I care for you and you need to rest."

He smiled at me and then there was silence, until I heard someone come down.

THANK YOU to everyone who is reading my book, please don't be silent readers vote comment and share my story with your friends help me get more reads. I would also like to give a shout out to angels_from_above please go check out her book finding you damon and elena.

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