The alliance between frenemys

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It's been three days since Elena and everyone else moved in,and two days since Stefan tried to get Elena out of the house. I can't believe my brother is trying to kill Elena, I mean I know that he flipped the switch but she did nothing to him. Poor Elena, these past few days have been really hard on her, I mean seriously, why wouldn't they be? Blondie is being really annoying lately, she won't let me see see Elena, but, then again, she IS helping her.

I don't understand why Matt has to stay here, Stefan hasn't been invited into his house, and he also has the Gilbert ring that Alaric have to him. Alaric and Jeremy have gone all vampire hunter, and Rick reckons that he doesn't need need the ring anymore.


If Damon would let me out of this stupid house I would be looking for Stefan so I can kill him, or convince him to turn the switch back on.

"Doesn't anybody else think it's really boring in here?" I say, trying to convince everyone that we should go outside, if it works I'll make a run for it. "Nice try Rick, but you are NOT going outside, I know that as soon as you get outside you will just make a run for it. Well guess what? As soon as you leave this house Stefan will grab you and snap your neck, and you won't come back, you don't have your ring, Matt does, and you refuse to take it back!" Damon says to me. *damn, I should have known that wouldn't have worked* I thought to myself. "Rick does have a point Damon, it has been 3 days since we last saw Stefan." Elena says, trying to back me up. "DAMON!!!!! Stefan's on the edge if the treeline." Matt suddenly yells. "See? Stefan is back, no one is going outside." Damon says after grabbing a stake and then he walked outside. "What are you doing back here Stefan?" Asked Damon. "I never left. After all, this IS my home." He said. "Not anymore it isn't." Damon said before he lunged at Stefan ready to stake him. But Stefan dodged it and ran straight for the woods surrounding the Salvatore Boarding House.


"I think you pissed him off." I say to Damon after he came back inside. "If YOU piss ME off, i WILL kill. And lucky for you, I'm a SuperNatural Being, so if I kill YOU, your magic ring will bring you back to life, and I can kill you all over again." Damon says to me in an angry tone. "Matt don't worry about him, Elena will make sure he doesn't do anything to us." Tyler says to me. "Be quiet, Elena is sleeping. She is really stressed, so please just be quiet and let her sleep." whispers Caroline.


I hate Stefan, he is such a bloody monster. literally. I can't believe that he wants to kill us. I'm just glad that Damon hasn't gone out to find him, I mean, right now, Damon is probably the one person that Elena needs most right now. he is always there for her, no matter what. He doesn't care if he dies, as long as he is protecting Elena, nothing else in the whole entire world matters to him.

"Do you want me and Matt to guard the front of the house?" Jeremy asked Damon. "No, it's to dangerous. I don't care if you both have your rings, and you both know how to stake a vampire, it's still to dangerous, and even if Stefan doesn't see the rings on your fingers, he will still snap your necks. And Elena won't let me here the end of it." Damon says back to him. "You know, I can always put a protection spell on them." I say to Damon, who, as always, doesn't listen to me.


I need to get out of this place! Damon is getting on my nerves, and Stefan needs to die!!! "Damon let me out, if Stefan is in the woods I can go out there and kill him." I say to Damon. "No, if you try kill him, you will be the one that ends up dead." He says back to me. "I'm a werewolf, if I bite him, he will die a slow and painful death." I say to him. "To bad, you aren't leaving this house." He tries to tell but Caroline warns him not to. "Damon, shut up, if you wake up Elena, I swear, I will snap your neck." Caroline whispers to him. "Well I'm sorry Blondie, but you see, he's getting on my nerves!" Damon whispers to her, while he is pointing at me. "Oh please, shut up, it's not my fault that I want to kill Stefan!" I whisper to them both in an innocent tone. "You are gonna get yourself killed, and Blondie here, will never forgive me for letting you out of the house!" He whispers to me.


"So your not gonna let us out of the house, like, at all?" I ask Damon. "That's right Little Gilbert." He tells me, while using the annoying nickname that he made up. "What if we need to go shopping." I continue. "Then we can shop online and have it delivered to us." He say in is 'I Know Everything' tone. "You WANT to go outside, that's why you are trying to make excuses. Well guess what? Little Gilbert, you are not going outside. FOR THE LAST TIME, NO ONE IS LEAVING THIS HOUSE, AND I MEAN NO ONE!!" Damon yells at the top of his lungs to all of us. "Will you guys keep it down? I'm trying to sleep!" Elena says while yawning and coming down the stairs. "That's it! I told you Damon!!" Caroline yells at him and them snapped his neck. "CAROLINE FORBES?!?! Why did you do that???" Elena yells at Caroline, like she committed the greatest crime ever. "Because. While you were sleeping, we got into an argument, and I told Damon that if he woke you up, I would snap his neck. So I did." Caroline calmly explained to her. "Oh, well I'm going back to bed." Elena says to all of us.

(My last 2 chapters were wire short, I'm sorry for that. I hope this chapter is a bit longer. But I'm having a bit of writers block so it may be a while for the next chapter to be published. Anyway thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the book so far😊.)

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