A party and a death

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I wonder if i can get Damon to let me throw a party......... of course it cant be to big....... but if he doesn't let me, i can always get Elena to ask him, cause we all know that he cant say no to Elena.

'Elena, honey, can we throw a party? But if you say yes.....you will need to ask Damon cause he never says  no to you.' i ask her. 'Ummmmm, ok, yeah, lets throw a party. And ill go ask Damon, but i don't think he will be to happy about it, cause Stefan is still out there, and he might see the commotion in the house and get someone to come outside so he can kill them, or use them to threaten me or Matt.' Elena says to me before she scurries off to go ask Damon about the party.

'Absolutely not.' I hear Damon say to Elena. 'There is no way I'm gonna let you throw a party.....especially when Stefan is still out there waiting for one of us to go out there so he can kill us.' He says to her. 'But come on Damon...... you usually never say no to me, what makes this time any different?!' Elena shouts back at him. 'OK fine you can throw the party but if anyone dies, you cannot blame me, because it wasn't my idea to throw the party, and i didn't even want you to throw it in the first place!' he says, his voice rising a little. 'Yay!! i knew you couldn't say no!! thanks, see you later  Damon.'

'Caroline!!!!! Did you here??? Hes gonna let us throw the party!!!' she says excitedly to me. 'Awesome, now we have to send out all the invites and get people to bring the beer and food, do you want them to make it, or buy it??' i say back to her. 'Either or both, how about both. People can choose to bring homemade food or store bought food, its up to them as long as everyone brings a plate of food each, then its fine.'


I cant believe that i said yes to Elena, i mean, i know that i hardly ever say no to her, but to a party....... i shouldn't of let her get to me, if Stefan finds out that we are throwing a party hell kill all the guests before they can get to the safetey of the house! I'm such and idiot!!!!!!!! what happens when no one shows up to the party??Elena will think that i cancelled it, and then shell see all the cars outside and realise that it was an extremely bad idea to have a party....... That's it!!!! I'm going to sabotage the the party so Elena will think that Stefan ate all the guests and then will be so upset, but then she will also hate me cause i hate seeing her upset, so i  Will most probably cave in and tell her what really happened, then she will just go and call everyone again....... yeah best not to sabotage the party then.

'Elena are you sure its such a great idea to invite all these people, and how many people are you inviting anyway???' I ask her once she finished her 5th call. 'Oh hey; yes it will be fine, trust me Damon, oh, and im inviting 10 people, Caroline is inviting 10 people, and Bonnie is inviting 10 people.' she says to me. 'WHAT??!! Elena this house may be massive, but its really not that big, you cant invite 30 people here.' i say to her in a fatherly tone. 'Yeah i know its not that big, but your not my dad, and its not your house anynmore, so its really up to Matt, so he can decide if i can invite 30 people or not, and anyway, most of them might not even be able to make it." she says to me in a resally annoying tone.

 'Matt can you please tel Elena that she cant have 30 peolpe in my house at the same time.' i ask Matt in my nicest tone. 'Sorry dude, but it isnt your house  anymore, and if Elena is having a party she can invite as many people as she wants, as long as they bring beer and food.' He says to me, sometims i wish  i never let Matt sign the deeds to my house. 'well if they didnt bring beer or food you can go to the shops to buy it, cause im not leaving this house, cause if i do, everyone else will leave as well and it wil be impossible to find them cause either my asshole of a brother has eaten them or they have ran off and dont want to be found by anyone, and Stefan will help them hide cause he will convince them that he has changed and  has lost is way to the boarding house and ask them for  directions and then he will eat them!!!!!' I shout at him. 'Woah, its ok........ nothing will happen to any of us, the house, or any of the guests, trust me....... Jeremy, Alaric, and I all know how to use a stake, so we can easily kill him if he tries anything, and we can get Bonnie to put a protection spell on us so if he does kill us, we will come back....... even if he does rip our hearts out.' he says  back to me in a frightened tone. 'Thats a really good plan Matt, exept for the part where Stefan rips your hearts out, not even a protection spell can protect you from that.' I tell him. Now he has this really frightened look on face, i think i scared him half to death.


Great, just great. Elena is going to throw a party, and im scared out of my mind....... what should i do, i dont know if i should tell Elena to cancel the party, or just leave itand have fun tonight.......... im just gonna leave it for now, i guess we will be fine cause we are in the safety of the Boarding House.

'Hey Elena, umm, when does the party start?' i ask her after she  gets of the phone with Alaric, who apperantly snauck out of the house so he could get the kegs of beer for tghe party. 'Oh, hey, the party starts at 4:30pm, why?' she xsatyd to me. 'Oh just wondering. thanks.' i tell her. i wonder what the party is goping to be like, knowing Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena, it would probably be pretty cool. iw ondeer what food the geusts will bring. i havent had a decent meal in days!!!!! The only food that is in this house is human blood for Damon, Elena, and Caroline, and little dead animals that Damon haas caught, i think they are rats, but Bonnie thinks that thbey are rabbits. Anyway whatever they are, theyre pretty discusting. oooooh i hope they bring chocolate...... chocolate is my life!!!!


Im going to have an awesome party........ there are gonna be about 5 kegs in the kitchen, and a MASSIVE chocolate fountain in the middle of the lounge room, Matt is going tio love me when he sees it!! i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Elena, the party has been going for 5 hours straight! When will it be over?' Damon yells over the loud music. 'Relax, its ending in 30mins, whats the rush anyway?' I ask him back. 'Ummmm, i didnt want to tell you this until after the party but.......... wait, lets go somewhere more quiet...................................................thats better, ok, umm Stefan knoked on the door when Jenna went past, cause she was drunk, she didnt know it was him.' He says to me, and i start getting the feeling that something terrible has happend to my aunt. 'Yeah, sooooo what?' I ask him. 'Yeah, ummm Stefan told her to come outside, so  she did, and he snapped her neck and drained her,of all her blood.....................im so sorry i really didnt want you to find out, especailly when you were having such a great time tonight.' He says to me, at first i thought he was jocking, then i realise that he was serious and a wave of shock hit me. i started to burst out in tears, even though i didnt want to start crying in front of him, i couldnt help it. 'Oh, Elena. Come here, its going to be alright, i promise.'     'NO! Its not going to be alright, my aunt is dead!! What am i gonna do?? What if he does this again Damon??' I trie to say as he hugs me, and i cant stop crying. So much for the best party ever.


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