Chapter VI- Bestia Quae Super Nos

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The night before Grace, she had become so exhausted that she fell asleep next to this monstrous beast. Grace was awoken by the sunrays hitting her pillow; she felt a huge pressure against her chest but she was too scared to open her eyes when she knew who was the cause of the weight on her chest. She inhaled very slowly as she built up the courage to slightly open one eye but she regretted it instantly. Her eye was met by the gleaming gaze of the beast, its ochre unnatural coloured eyes inspect Grace's face as the full weight of his colossal body was pressed against the mattress of his satin nest.

Grace felt paralysed by his presence of not just his physical presence but his demeanour and aura. She hadn't noticed while being hypnotised by the beast's haunting eyes that he had a demonic smile plastered on his lips. His head was tilted to one side, one of his hands which wasn't resting on the bed was caressing Grace's distressed hair. Grace's scalp was strangely soothed by his strokes as the roots of her hair was stinging and bloody from the grip the beast has had on her locks when he raped and tortured her body and soul. The beasts' whole body was vibrating with the sound of a sort of purr of a feline.

Even with the look of caring gestures, it didn't seem to mind him that Grace's whole body was saturated with blood and the monstrous seed of this creature. Grace felt disgusted by the pleasure which was forcefully inflicted upon her being. The sparks that dance across her skin were hypnotising, bending her will. The girl that lay in the beast's den was unnerved that the night that just past was a distant blur in her memory.

The Beast who was satisfied with the mate that the goddess had gave him. His mate must be submissive  even if the Beast and his wolf couldn't contend with the fact that Grace wasn't being submissive of affection and appreciation for her male but out of fear. It was an ancient tradition that in this mating period the alpha and his mate must not be disturbed for a month. While he fully makes the kitten his, makes her only smell of him and fills her with his pups so even the goddess above will know.

He made sure that the castle was abandoned for this period except for the few who came in the clean the castle and prepare for food to satisfy his mates needs. His mate was far too skinny and the ridiculous clothing that she wore restricting her ribs. There was no way that he would allow her to wear them anymore when it could effect his pups.

Throughout the whole of the morn the Beast was all over Grace the aches leeching onto all of her limbs. The infatuation the Beast had of her whole body and the positions of the silk and muslin surrounding their entangled bodies. However, half way through the morning a huge bang  on the giant size door.

The Beast's demeaner changed, completely different from his mood this morn. The large figure jump onto all fours over Grace's frame, he started to growl, the vibrations from his form ran through Grace's body through the little contact of his limbs touching her frame. Grace was in a form of oblivion with the events that had taken place. But now with this Beast above her body and hair sprouting out of different patches of skin on. His eyes were glowing and his pupils were morphing into a more animal like eyes.

A voice came through the wooden door shouting "Sire, I am very sorry to disturb you but there is an emergency"

The bed beneath the pair was quacking as the Beast roared back "That is why I have a Beta to deal with emergencies. You know not to disturb me at such a sacred time!"

"Sire there is a problem at the border you must attend!" The voice behind the door retorted straight afterwards. The Beast started to move off Grace but before he did he rammed his nose in to Graces' neck. The fur patch adorning his skin had started to disappear, his animal like fangs which at protruded his gums when the Beta had disturbed his nesting area, had disappeared from view.

Graces' breathing had for the first time in hours had slowed down as the man had gotten off her damaged figure. As the Beast stood up from off the bed and put on his breeches he shouted at the man behind the door "after dealing with this go to the cage for punishment".

Grace heard his acknowledgement, she was shocked that he would just agree to have a punishment for disrupting the Beast. Grace was rather thankful of the interruption, but before Grace could breathe properly the Beast fully clothed in a shirt and breeches and shoes was walking towards her.

In the Beasts' hand was a cream bundle, as he stopped in front of her he chucked it at Grace as he said "Mate put on this nightgown, I will be back as soon as I can but you must not leave this room. Stay in the nest, don't let anyone in hear mate, no one must see you in this state! PUT IT ON NOW! BEFORE I LEAVE!" Grace sat up pulling the bed sheet around her body as she was about to try and slip off the gown without him seeing more of her body than he already saw.

The Beast ripped off the muslin from around her body and shouted "DO NOT HIDE MATE!" then leaning over next to Graces' ears and whispered "I can and will see all of you, you can't stop me from my rightful claim on you!"

Without a care Grace just quickly slipped on the nightgown. From leaning over the beast then pushed her to lie down on the bed wrapping the sheets carefully over her and around her in a particular fashion as a mother bird making her nest. He whispered "Do not move out of the nest mate." He let out a growl which made Grace want to cower as he charged out of the room with the heavy door slammed behind him.


LOve ya bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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