Maze Runner

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1st take! Oops made a mistake! Retake, that part.
Feel like my life is like a movie.
1st love, oops made a mistake, retry but I broke my heart.
Stupid, young emotional boy too moody.

I can feel the devil on my heels,
But my heart is like ziploc it stays sealed.
Time helps us cope. But music heals.
My inner thoughts I concealed.
But when I keep them in, I feel like I'm running around in a maze.
1 turn, I'm lost! Where is exit? Maybe if I die I can get away.
Feeling my depression, I'm going back to my old ways.
But I'll be honest, I'm not ready to go into that grave.
People tell me everything's okay, and that it's a phase.
But it's not that way, lifes a suicide love roulette race.
Take another turn into a dead end. I'm loosing my focus.
People tryna show me the way out, but I know they got a motive.
This is when I realize everyones fake, this is my lowest.
Wake up, make up, write another sad song, these are the motions.
Text my boys tell em I got som serious, they start joking.
Police told me she was dead but they said that report was bogus!
Maybe I should call idk, they hit me with that potion of slowness.
I asked them how she was, they told she still smokin'.
Maybe I should call idk, But it's starting to seem hopless.
I don't I'm confused by all these paths, I'm under hypnosis.
Maybe I could tell her how I'm a rapper and that I'm starting to be noticed.

My brain is going to many ways,
Guess that ima maze runner.

Hi. I hope everyones having a great day. Quarantine sucks but, I hope you accomplished something today. Ya know life can feel stuck, or were lost, or going in circles. But maybe sometimes we go in circles to stress what we've learned. Sometimes we get lost to find something that was missing. Sometimes we get stuck, to slow down and realize and appreciate what he have.
Thank you all for the support. I love you all!

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