admitting and committing |15|

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alexis's POV

"hello" mila sings as she runs to me, jumping onto me as i lay on my bed. "hey baby" i greet and hug her. "how was it?" she asks. "it went a lot better than i thought it would honestly" i answer. "tell me about it" she orders, laying on her side next to me. "well i got there and we sat at the table underneath the tree. i explained everything about what happened with que and she didn't believe me at first but once i showed her the screenshots she did. i told her that i still care about her, obviously not in the same way, and that i didn't want to see her get hurt. we both said that we didn't want to hate each other and decided to be friends and that was it" i explain. "damn, how'd she take it? the fact that her boyfriend is using those drugs?" mila asks. "she just looked..... lost." i tell her. "i would be too, so i'm glad you don't use the shit you sell" she smiles and cuddles into me. "don't get high on your own supply" i shrug, making her laugh a little. "you're adorable" she says and pecks her lips to mine. 

next thing i know mila is straddling me in a heated make out session. she starts to undress but i stop her. "mila i have to tell you something." i sigh. "what? did i do something wrong?" she asks with a look of worry, getting off of me and putting her shirt back on. "no, no. you didn't." i assure her. "what's going on a?" she asks with the same look. "i was raped." i admit, looking down at my hands so i don't have to look at her. instead of saying anything, all she does is hug me. "i'm sorry a." she mumbles into my neck. i feel tears well up in my eyes and hug her back tightly. "it's okay baby. i know." she shushes me soothingly and i begin to cry against her skin, making her hug me even tighter. 

we stay like this for i don't know how long and i finally let go. "do you want to talk about it?" she asks with a saddened look. "w-which time?" i sniffle. her bottom lip starts to quiver and she hugs me again. i laugh a little and feel tears against my neck, making me stifle my laughter. i rub her back and she holds me close to her. after a few minutes i let go of her and she pulls away. "when i was 13" i start, seeing her stare at me to show me that she's listening.

by the end of the story we're both in tears and hugging once again. "i'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again." she whispers. "me neither. you're safe with me." i tell her. "thank you for being so sweet about this. i didn't know how much i needed a hug and to let it all out and i'm really glad that you're here." i sniffle. "i'm always going to be here for you a. always and forever. even if, and i hope this doesn't happen, we break up. i'm always here." she assures me. "thank you m." i smile a little and pull her into a kiss. 

fuck it felt good to let all of that shit out of my head. 

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