candy is the best way to do legit anything |9|

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alexis's POV

two weeks later because a bitch lazy*

mila and i have been spending a lot of time together since billie and i broke up. she's actually a lot sweeter than i remember. as for billie, she's still dating que. it's all over the internet. i'm lowkey convinced it's all for the public though. but i don't know, maybe she actually likes him. it's not my place to judge who she likes. i'm over her at this point. 

"alexis!" mila smiles widely and runs to me, jumping into my arms. "hey m" i greet her and catch her, holding her up by her ass as she wraps her legs around my waist. "i missed you" she tells me, showering my face with kisses. "calm down m" i laugh. "say you missed me too" she orders with a frown. "you know i missed you" i roll my eyes and smile, placing her down on the ground. "i know, but i want to hear you say it again." she explains. "okay m, i missed you" i give in. mila's family spent a few days in san francisco for thanksgiving so we didn't get to see each other. "so are you gonna invite me inside or?" i ask jokingly. "i was actually thinking we could go to your place" she suggests. "m, no one's there" i tell her. "i know." she smirks a little, looking down at her feet. "oh, um... okay. yeah we can go back to my place." i agree, kinda shocked at her sudden forwardness. "get your shoes, i'll start demon." i say, pointing back to my car in her driveway. "okay" she nods and does as told. i jog to my car and turn it on, putting on some music as i wait for her. after a few minutes mila comes running to the car and gets into the passenger's seat. i offer her my hand and she intertwines our fingers as i pull out of the driveway. 

we get to my house and mila pulls me up to my room quickly. "someone's eager for something" i laugh as i follow her. once we get into my room she smiles, sitting down on my bed as i look around in awe. there are fake candles all over the room and little cut out paper hearts around the room. "when did you do this?" i ask, looking at all the decorations mila must've had someone set up. "that's not important. okay, when you were at your grandma's but that's not important. i got you something" she smiles and starts digging around under my bed. "woah m, i wouldn't-" i start but she cuts me off. "alexis, i already saw it when i hid the present in here." she laughs. "oh um.... that's um.... that's not mine" i lie, referring to the dildo i have hidden under my bed. "oh really? then whose is it?" she asks, tilting her head with a small smirk on her face. "it's um... billie's! it's billie's. she left it here and i forgot about it until now." i answer. "i know that's bullshit a. just admit it's yours" mila laughs. "fine. it's mine." i groan as my face gets red. "see, that wasn't so hard was it?" she asks, patting the side of my face gently. "that's what she said." i whisper to myself. "oh shut up" she rolls her eyes and hands me the present. "why'd you do all this mila?" i ask. "you'll find out. just open the present." she orders. i open it to find tons of candy with notes on all of them. "take them out." she smiles, pointing at the candy. i do as told and i take them all out with a wide smile, finally getting to the bottom. on the bottom of the box is her handwriting in sharpie.

i don't think i can go any longer being just friends. so please answer this one question.

will you go out with me?

"so?" she asks with a voice full of hope.

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