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Trigger warnings; Anorexia, depression and a death

Katherine was thin. Everyone knew that, she's always been naturally skinny and beautiful. She was talented, smart and witty. And everyone knew that. Although if people were to see her now, they'd wonder ‘ Why is she doing this to herself? ’

If you asked that now, no one would know the answer. If you look at Katherine now, you'd be disgusted on how sickly thin she is, how unhealthy she is, how horrible she's treating her body.

It began during the start of the year, late January to be specific. It was when Katherine started germinating thoughts she'd never really..think of.

‘ Am I good enough? ’

Katherine never had any hatred towards herself, only until that day when she finally snapped. You'd be surprised on how quiet she was about this problem, she never talked to anyone about her problems. It was a terrible habit she developed throughout the years, she couldn't even bring herself to tell Jane or Anne.

‘ I'm not good enough. ’

Something snapped inside of her that day. It was when she started judging herself, judging her appearance, comparing herself to others. Katherine didn't think of herself as highly as she used to. She managed to point out any flaws she found. She even managed to hate the few things she used to like about herself.

‘ I'll never be good enough. ’

All that hatred went to her body, starting a sickly obsession that no one in the household noticed. Katherine knew this wasn't going to end well, she knew things would go bad quickly. But she didn't listen to any of the logical parts of her brain, she only listened to the voice she'd been hearing for weeks now.


The word reverberated in her head, she'd stare at her body after having a shower. Katherine looked horrified of how she looked like. Had she always looked like this? Thighs so big, a waist too large, god she could go on and on.

Pinching is something she did a lot, she pinched her thighs, or stomach, her arms. She felt disgusted. How much does she eat everyday?

Lose the weight.

That reverberated in her head as well, all she has to do is lose weight. Drop down a few pounds, it'll be worth it when people can see how healthy she'll become.

She skipped meals and went out to the gym more often, coming home with excuses that she stopped by for dinner at a restaurant before coming home. Of course everyone believed her, Katherine wasn't the one to lie about stuff. Even after spending hours at the gym, it didn't feel enough. She'd often weigh herself, the thing that made her feel happy was seeing the numbers go down.

Katherine spent more time in her room, exercising if she couldn't go to the gym. Drinking water to get rid of the hunger, or chewing gum to make her feel full. She wouldn't eat. She didn't need to nor did she want to.

Everyday, she grew weaker and paler. She stopped dancing and focused more on working out losing weight. After a month or so doing this repeated routine. She was nothing but bones, barely any flesh. You could count her ribs, her shoulder blades were sharp, and she lost more than a few pounds.

She became a skeleton. She wasn't the old Katherine from before, she was chalky white, swollen cheeks bones and dark circles under her eyes. She looked tired all the time, and she could barely get around without feel dizzy. She was thin. Everyone knew that. What they didn't know was how obsessive and dangerous this disorder is. Katherine had avoided the hospital at all costs, especially annual check ups with the girls, cause she knew the moment a doctor would land their eyes on her body, it'd be an immediate diagnosis of Anorexia.

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