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Warning: DEATH

Three months. It had been three months since Katherine and Anna left them. Only four remain, unable to let go. Everyday felt like the other. They lost two precious people.

Everything seemed like a blur. They rarely smiled now, but they were determined to stay strong. Not wanting to let their group to crumble to pieces.

During the three months, it was filled with nothing but mourning, tears, and guilt. Parr slowly stopped writing stories, finding it easier to cope by listening to music instead. Anne had tried to forget, but she couldn't. Every night she cried, wishing for her cousin and friend to come back to them.

Everyone wanted them back. But it was just simply impossible for that. They were gone forever, and all they have to do is wait for their time to come so they can see them...

Aragon's time was coming soon. She had been feeling weaker, more tired. Very tired. It was hard for her to do simple actions without feeling dizzy and exhausted.

Perhaps it's because she hadn't been doing well during the last three months. She put aside seeing a doctor and continued fighting for her friends. She didn't need more stress in her life. No more.

But even if she tried to keep on fighting...she felt like she was crumbling more and more each day. She grew weaker and paler, losing her appetite for food most of the time. The girls noticed, of course, not wanting to let the same stupid mistake happen again.

" Catherine, please don't leave us too..." Parr had cried, hugging Aragon tightly as if she may fade away. Aragon replied saying she wasn't feeling so very well, and said that it may just be a cold because it was flu season. Jane suggested a doctor, to which Aragon didn't agree to.

The girls were paranoid, that was for sure. They began noticing very small details of each other, watching each other to see any sign of something bad. They didn't want to lose someone else. Katherine was unexpected, and she suddenly collapsed in front of them. Cleve's was even more unexpected, her death traumatized everyone. Including Aragon, who was first to witness it.

Everyone had it bad. But Aragon had it worse at the moment. The sickness she felt seemed like something more, and not just a cold. She grew weaker each day, almost to the point of passing out. Finally, Jane snapped and demanded she see a doctor.

Aragon couldn't say no to an angry Jane Seymour. So she then booked an appointment, and went alone. Upon entering the office, she was asked a few questions of her symptoms and how she's been feeling. The doctor gave her a check up.

The diagnosis was so unexpected. He came to her with a look of sympathy. Leukemia. Aragon couldn't believe what she heard. Her heart shattered into pieces as she remembered the soft sobs of Parr and the desperation in her voice as she pleaded for her to not leave them.

" You have a month left..."

Tears rushed down her cheeks, she didn't wanna leave too. She wanted to stay alive. Aragon asked the doctor, begging him for any cure but to no avail, the doctor didn't have any cure or way to prevent her death from coming.

When she arrived home, she was met with worried expressions. Aragon hated seeing her friends look so worried. But she didn't want them to be in the same state from before...instead, she told them. She told them about her condition and how she wasn't gonna stick around longer.

Parr bursted into tears, Aragon was like a motherly figure to her. The three girls hugged Aragon tightly, promising to spend every moment with her with happiness and promised to cherish every moment they had left with her.

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