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Warning: DEATH

It's been about a few months since they lost Katherine, Anna, and Aragon. Honestly, they didn't know how long it's been since they lost them. They lost count, and didn't bother with checking the dates. It was an endless blur for them. For Jane especially.

Life turned grey for the three of them, with the year being filled with unexpected turns and twists. Like a sick game they were in. A cruel world where they had to witness their friends die right in front of them.

Jane hated it. Anne hated it. And Catherine hated it. They went on with their lives, wondering how the girls are doing up above. They wondered if they were watching them.

Jane always wondered that. She hated admitting it, but she'd look out her window, trying to find a dove if possible. She just wanted a sign that the girls were watching over them. She needed a sign to see if her friends were alright...

She spent more time in her room, though. Jane didn't like leaving the room that much, although she didn't want to end up having no memories with Anne and Catherine. So instead she tried to bond with them more, it worked most of the time.

But usually they were more quiet. Having three people they love so dearly leave them so quickly was torturing. But Jane was determined, so very determined to make things change. Just like before, she convinced them to go out.

It worked. They smiled and laughed, and Jane was relieved to see that. She wanted to show the girls that they were moving on, and that they are strong enough to keep going.

Although a question kept lingering in the back of her mind, often distracting her from the activities.

' Why couldn't it be me? '

Guilt was weighing Jane down, she wished it was her instead of them. It'd be easier this way. But she tried to shake it off, and continue trying to enjoy her life with the girls. But the questioned never left her mind.

It seemed like there was a voice in Jane's head, telling her what she could've done to prevent Katherine and Anna's death. She felt like she was at fault for what happened to the both of them. The voice taunted her, blaming her that Aragon became ill because of her.

The voice seemed to have grown louder and louder, but she ignored it. She ignored what the voice would say, and instead she'd focus on her friends. She focused on keeping her friends safe, even though Jane herself, wasn't safe.

If only they hadn't gone out that day.

It was a boring afternoon, and the girls had nothing planned for the day. There wasn't much to do, nothing fun, everything was just...plain. Only until Jane suggested going out to the mall, to which the other two agreed to the idea. It seemed fun.

They spent the day running about, laughing at the silly items they picked out from different isles of stores. They did a bit of shopping, harmless.

It was after they had eaten snacks is when tragedy struck once more. Jane had told Anne and Cathy that she needed to buy one more thing. The two girls agreed to wait for her as she went.

In reality, Jane was gonna buy a gift for the both of them in order to lift their spirits. Although she was gonna take a bit of time to pick out the perfect present.

It was then a strange men entered the building, he scanned the surroundings, squinting his eyes, as if he was looking for someone. Then, he spotted Jane, walking through different isles in a store.

An evil grin peered on his lips, his eyes laced with malice. That man was an old friend of Jane, although the two never actually got along. They fought a lot before, but it got so bad to the point where he got violent with Jane.

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