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Warning: just a bunch of sadness...and depressing thoughts. Probably a suicide.

How long had it been since the girls died? She doesn't know. Catherine didn't know anymore. She continued living for awhile. But she was just stuck in her house. No one to talk to. No reason to smile. Nothing.

She managed to eat canned food and noodles for awhile, but she stopped eventually, growing sick of the same meals everyday. Catherine officially abandoned all her writing projects, she stopped talking to anyone, she stopped going outside, she stopped smiling.

Will there ever be a reason to smile again?

That's an easy answer,


There was nothing to do. All she did was absentmindedly scroll through different TV channels, check her phone, but nothing interesting was to happen.

Catherine was broken. There wasn't nothing for her to do. The moment Anne left, she reached her breaking point. She didn't know what to do. Everything was dull and grey, and there was no one who could change that sad atmosphere that lingered in the silent household.

Catherine often went into the girls rooms, as if expecting them to be asleep on their beds. But that never happened. Instead, it'd only lead to all the bad memories and then tears.

Her footsteps echoed in the hallway once more. She stood in front of the first door, it belonged to the sweet and young Katherine Howard. She was such a bright and bubbly girl, but lost herself to an eating disorder that no one noticed.

She twisted the doorknob and opened it, the room was still the same as usual. The walls were a dull pink, and her room was quite girly to say the least. Her bed was an average size for her, it was decorated with fluffy pillows and a thick blanket.

Catherine frowned, she missed this girl. She scanned the room, there was a desk by her bed, it used to have a lot of paper scattered on it, as Kit used to do a lot of drawing. But now it was nothing but workout routines, and a calorie count for different food.

She remembered when there used to be music blasting from the room, Katherine loved to dance, so she'd often practice in her room. But it stopped ever since Katherine got into the obsession of becoming thin...

“ Kit, go to sleep. It's nearly eleven! ” Parr scolded her younger friend, Katherine responded with a laugh and ignored her by continuing to dance.

Catherine groaned, crossing her arms. “ Katherine Howard, if you don't go to sleep right now, I'm telling Aragon. ”

Katherine pouted, but then giggled, and so did Parr. She turned off the music and sat on her bed. “ You're no fun. ”

“ you can practice tomorrow, but now you should rest, yeah? ” Parr said with a soft voice. “ If you save up energy now, you'll be able to dance a lot more tomorrow. ”

“ True, ” Katherine agreed. “ Alright, I'll change into my pajamas and I'll head to sleep. How about you? ”

“ I'm gonna continue writing..” She responded.

“ Really? Can I help? ”

Parr sighed, shaking her head. “ No, you should sleep. ”

“ you guys always treat me like a baby, ” Katherine crossed her arms, pouting. Parr laughed.

“ Yeah, sorry for that. ”

“ can I please help? ” Katherine pressed on.

Parr gave in. “ fine, fine. Come on let's go, ”

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