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Something felt different. A good different, actually. Although it felt weird. Is this death? Catherine thought she wouldn't be aware if she was dead? She felt a tinge of fear, would she be aware like this forever? She thought death would be peaceful...then why?

Suddenly something felt weird, she felt a little hot. That's odd, isn't she dead? And Catherine kept her curtains closed for a long time, no way the sun could shine through her thick curtains.

Catherine's eyes then fluttered open, her eyes widened and she sat up quickly. She scanned her room, it's the same as it always has been. Her breathing ragged, what is this? She's dead...she should've been dead.

Beads of sweat trickled down the side of her face, Catherine glanced at her hands and then around her room. Her eyes landed on her desk, where she supposedly left the letter. Maybe someone found her? Maybe she's really dead and she's just a spirit..

But she surely felt alive. Very alive. Catherine slowly got off her bed and looked for the letter, there was nothing. All she found were her writing projects, but didn't she throw them out? She was positive she threw all her projects out. Did someone dig through the garbage and put them here? Gross. But they didn't look dirty nor did it stink.

Something really was different. Catherine wondered if she didn't really die. But she swallowed a handful of pills, or basically the entire bottle in general. There was no way she would survive. Anne died like that, didn't she? Then why didn't Catherine..

Suddenly she heard the sounds coming from downstairs. Her heart raced, no way..maybe someone broke in? Or perhaps someone came to visit. Catherine walked towards her door and opened it, the noise became clearer. Laughter, laughs that sounded so familiar. Laughs she'd been longing to hear ever since Katherine died.

Her heart pounded quickly, and her breathing steadied. Catherine peeked through the hallways, but there was nothing. She noticed how all the girls rooms had their doors open..but that's impossible, she left them closed. She isn't hallucinating, right? Maybe she's dreaming? Catherine slapped her face as hard as she could, and pain resonated throughout her face. She winced, knowing she isn't dreaming.

Finally, she decided to woman up and check the noise coming from downstairs. Tears welled in her eyes as her eyes weren't deceiving her, there they were, all the girls, laughing and smiling as if nothing ever happened. Katherine Howard, looking healthy and filled out. Anna of Cleve's, back to her usual confident self. Catherine of Aragon, healthy and strong. Jane Seymour, smiling and talking with everyone. Anne Boleyn, happy and alive.

Everyone was...alive? But that's impossible, she saw them die..was this a miracle? What happened during those last few months? What year is it?

" Cathy, you're finally awake! " Anne cheered, twirling around until she reached her side and hugged her. Catherine smiled a little, but was still in a state of confusion.

" Y-you guys..are alive? " Catherine spoke out, still unable to believe that this was really happening. Katherine laughed at the question, though deep down, she felt like she knew what she meant.

" Of course we're alive! Why wouldn't we be? "

Catherine raised her eyebrows. " B-but you all died..I died as well. "

Everyone remained silent for awhile, before finally speaking up. Jane was the first one to speak. " I know...but..when I died, I just woke up back in my room. Everything was the same. "

" I had something similar happen to me.." Aragon said, her nose scrunched up in confusion. Everything felt so real, yet, it wasn't? She was sure she had passed away as well. " After I was diagnosed with leukemia..the last month felt like a blur, the only thing I remember clearly is when I died. "

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