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Alternative Ending

The young and lively woman made her way towards the oddly quiet household, she used to be close friends with the six girls - however by the end of highschool, she had to move abroad and lost all contacts with the girls - That girl, is Grace Mouat. It had been a few long years since she's heard from them, even though they lost contact, she still thought of them. The seven of them were very close throughout highschool, and we're Grace's only friends. Today, she came back from New Zealand and was planning on surprising the girls, as she heard from Parr's mother that they all lived together and eventually sent her the address. That was about a year ago, before she was able to come back to England.

Grace stood in front of the door, finding it odd on how it was quiet. The girls were very loud and she knew that, but perhaps it was just a relaxing day and they didn't plan on being loud. Brushing the silence off, she rang the doorbell. The ringing resonated within the walls of the house, but no one came to answer. Much to Grace's surprise, she raised a suspicious eyebrow - perhaps no one was home?

She hesitantly twisted the doorknob, and was even more surprised to find the door unlocked. Grace shook her head, assuming Anne may have been the last one to leave, and most likely ended up forgetting about locking the door. She decided that it was alright, she'd surprise them when they got home. She missed the girls so much and just couldn't wait to see them again.

However, when she entered the house, she was beyond surprised. It was a mess, there were scattered cans, and instant noodle cups everywhere. Grace's expression morphed into a worried one, she was suddenly not so excited to be was way more different than she expected. There's no way Jane would let this mess stay here....out of curiosity and worry, she wandered around the home. It looked like it had been like this for weeks, and it was way too quiet. The atmosphere depressing and sad. That wasn't right, Grace knew the girls always brought a happy and exciting aura. So then why?

" Hello? " She called out slowly, her voice echoed in the house. There was no response. Something was definitely wrong. Grace could feel her heart pumping fast, she felt scared. She didn't know why. Grace continued to roam around the house, but there wasn't anything else. All there was, was a bunch of pictures of the six girls hung up around the wall. Then...portraits....Grace took a closer look at the portraits, most likely Jane's doing. The girl was very talented, no doubt about it.

However they were in an odd order, Grace noticed the paintings were in a different order. It was usually starting with Aragon, then ending with Parr. This time, it was Katherine, then Cleve's, Aragon, Jane, Anne, and eventually Parr.

Odd order...Grace thought, but she tried to shake it off. Soon, Grace found the stairs leading upstairs. She knew it'd be disrespectful to keep roaming around someone's home without them knowing, but something just felt so wrong. She had this feeling in her stomach. A bad one.

Grace hesitantly made her way upstairs, and was greeted with an empty hallway. On each side were, she assumed, the rooms of each of the girls.

" Guys? " She called out once more. " It's me, Grace. The seven of us were best friends back in highschool..." Her voice faltered, she couldn't help but feel sad. The girls instantly lost contact the moment Grace moved, so she never heard from them again. She missed them so dearly, and just wanted to see them again.

She slowly made her way to Katherine's door, she knocked on it. But there was no answer. Grace decided to pry a bit more, she opened it and was greeted with the very girly room. It was empty, but it was still kept clean.

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