In the Darkness (Ymir POV)

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**written by: thesketchytepe** 

10:37 PM 

"'Get a room, you homos?'" Ymir spat as she slammed the door behind them. "Uh, you're kidding me, right? Whenever we get together with them, Reiner and Berthold are always the first ones to shove each other's hands down their pants in front of everyone. Don't even get me started at the noise—it's like two walruses fighting over a fishbone."

Historia skipped down the steps. "Did Reiner seem okay to you? He was a little quieter than usual."

"Like I fucking care if he's okay. He was probably in the middle of some inner soliloquy, wondering if he should kill himself or not. Geez, Hamlet much?"

"Ymir, don't be so harsh."

She rolled her eyes and grumbled as her hand instinctively wrapped around Historia's, her long legs easily keeping up with Historia's bouncing ones. It was now completely dark outside; singing crickets accompanied the crunching of leaves underneath their boots as they strolled through the dense woods around them. A chilly breeze whipped through the air, fluttering Ymir's long bangs in her eyes.

"Maybe we should've been more considerate of our surroundings," Historia mumbled to the floor. "This visit isn't about us anyway, you know. We're supposed to be here for Eren."

"But we haven't had time with each other in forever. We haven't had sex in, like, months. We never have time to do anything."

Historia was well into her business degree at college—she piled so many classes on top of her schedule in hopes of graduating early so that she and Ymir could take that Europe trip they'd been planning and saving for years. She spent all day at school attending lectures, working at the university's bookstore, and studying at every chance she got. Ymir saw no point in school and instead took a variety of odd jobs to raise money for that summer-long trip. She worked as a bartender at the local pub, controlled the giant saw at a warehouse for a lumber business, and, every once in a while, was a truck driver for transporting inventory to various retail stores. She sometimes had to leave the state for those and could be gone for up to a week before she saw Historia again. Those were always the longest and hardest days she had to go through.

"I know and you work really hard all the time." She squeezed her hand and smiled up at her. "Thank you for everything you're doing. It'll all be worth it in the end, I promise."

Though the darkness was beginning to mask everything, she could still see Historia's golden hair and bright blue eyes and shining white skin. She was a literal goddess and anyone who thought otherwise was obviously blind.

Ymir grinded her teeth and leaned down to nibble at Historia's ear. "Goddammit, you're so fucking adorable."

She giggled and lightly pushed her away. "No, stop. I have my earrings in."

As they wandered through the woods, Historia talked about her upcoming midterms and Ymir complained about her idiot coworkers. But the Europe trip quickly outshined those two boring topics. Historia mentioned all the places she wanted to visit—Paris, London, Florence, Madrid, St. Petersburg, basically the whole travel aesthetic on every white girl's to-do list—and Ymir commented on all the alcoholic beverages she wanted to drink. On the top of their list, however, was to have a picnic right in front of the Eiffel Tower. There was an open field for people to sit and take pictures of the iconic romantic tourist site and Historia really wanted to take advantage of it. Ymir thought of it only a couple of weeks ago, but she planned to propose to her at that very spot. She actually found the perfect ring the other day whilst running errands at the mall. She chatted with the guy behind the counter and he agreed to put it on hold for her during the weekend. When this whole therapy session for Eren ended and Historia went back to school, Ymir would pick up her paycheck at the pub and then head straight to the fancy jewelry place to purchase that beautiful ring for her beautiful girl.

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