Running in Circles (Connie POV)

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**written by: thesketchytepe**

12:52 PM 

He could only think about her. Despite Historia and Ymir's murders, despite Marco falling into an open grave and almost getting buried alive, despite the horrible thoughts of Eren being the mastermind behind it all, he could only think about Sasha.

Every time an image of her big brown eyes or long maroon hair or her crooked teeth flashed behind his eyes, it felt like getting stabbed in the chest. Knowing she would never wake up again made his vision burn and his knees shake. How was he doing this right now? His other half just died—a very brutal death with no answer to its cause—and he was running up this impossible hill with two dickheads who've seemingly forgotten what just happened. He wanted to go back to that barn and lie down beside her like he's done so many times before. He didn't care about the dark or, frankly, about the dangerously ambiguous situation they were all stuck in. He just wanted Sasha back.

"Fuck this shit," he spat under his breath, tears forming in his eyes again. "Fuck it all, fuck it."

But here he was, still running for a life he didn't have.

His lungs ached and his legs were on fire. Pulses of pain coursed through his body with each step he took. It was nothing compared to the damage done to his heart and soul, but holy shit, how much longer would it take to get to the highway?

A heavy thud and a low "oomph!" came from somewhere above him. Connie peeked up and found Berthold's long, narrow body laying on the ground. He scrambled to get up but ended up tripping again.

Reiner went to help him up, making sure to slow his pace as he turned to go down the hill a little. He reached out to grab Berthold's bicep with his right hand, the shotgun in his left. Berthold struggled to his feet and squeezed Reiner's shoulder in thanks. His dark sweater was probably covered in mud and leaves, but the pitch black night prevented Connie from seeing him.

"Fucking idiots," he muttered as he jogged pass them. "Don't fucking fall. Don't you guys watch horror movies?"

"This isn't a fucking movie, Connie," Reiner snapped back in a whisper. "Our friends are dead right now."

"You don't think I fucking know that!" He stopped to slam a fist into the blond mountain's shoulder. "You don't think I know that Sasha's fucking dead! What the fuck does that mean, you worthless piece of shit!"

"Hey, hey!" Berthold swiveled around Reiner and grabbed Connie's flying arms. "Connie, come on. Now's not the time."

"Then when? Someone's gotta pay for what's been done! And you guys don't seem very considerate of Sasha's life! Or Historia and Ymir for that matter."

"You don't think we're freaked out right now?" Reiner challenged, leaning over Berthold's shoulder and down at Connie. "I can't stop thinking about them. But we can't pause to let it all sink in now; we have to get help."

"Fuck you!" Connie's voice rose to a shout and Berthold quickly slapped a hand across his mouth.

"Connie, please!"

His oval eyes widened some more. With the hand he had around Connie's wrist, he lifted a pointer finger into the air.

"We have to get moving and we have to be quiet. Remember what Marco said? Eren could be watching us right now."

Connie peered at him. His vision was getting blurry and his head felt light. "You really think he did this? But-But why?"

"Yeah, Bert." Reiner's tone was flat, maybe a little betrayed. "You think he did this?"

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