Someone's Out There (Connie POV)

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**written by: thesketchytepe** 

10:51 PM 

All at once, the lights went out, the ceiling fan shut down, and the TV turned black.

A choir of low but surprised "Noooo" rang throughout the Jaeger cabin. Sasha reached out to the dead TV and cried a little louder than necessary, "No! Captain America's ass! What happened to it?"

"Power's out," Eren stated the obvious.

"But how?" Reiner asked. "It's not storming out there, is it?" He peered over at the nearest window only to find more darkness.

"Don't know. I'll go check it out." Eren yawned loudly before standing up and stretching his arms high above his head. "Maybe a squirrel got into the circuit breaker or something. That happens a lot out here."

"Noooo, poor squirrely," Sasha whined into her pillow.

"Maybe we should take it home to Maximus," Connie told Sasha. Maximus was their brown lab that they adopted not too long ago. He was known for ripping apart furniture, rolling around in mud, and he tried to eat his own shit on multiple accounts.

Sasha wacked Connie's face with her pillow.

"You need any help?" Marco offered from his spot on the couch, leaning against Jean's chest.

"Nah, I got it. Shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes."

"I'll go with you." Mikasa began to shift out of her yellow bean bag chair when Eren sighed and put a hand out in front of him.

"Mikasa, I'm fine. I got it. Just relax."

She looked a little hurt by his rejection, but he then added for her sake, "I'll text you if I need anything, alright?"

She hesitated but then nodded and settled back down.

"I'll be back, y'all!" Eren called with a wave as he sauntered toward the front door.

"Save America's ass, Eren!" Sasha yelled after him.

"I'll make it my personal mission, Sash," Eren chuckled.

Silence wafted over the group for the first time since the movie started and, as much as Connie didn't really want to admit it, it was awkward. It shouldn't be, right? They were all friends; they were really close with each other and usually were kept up to date on what was going on in everybody's lives. But now that Eren—pretty much the sole reason why everyone was here—was gone, no one really knew what to say or do. Especially with Mikasa still in the room, Eren's second and scarier half.

Connie cleared his throat and drummed his chapped lips together. I guess I didn't take enough grass yet. I'm usually not aware of awkward silences this late.

"Hey, Sash." He turned to her on the floor. "You got any popcorn left?"

"Uh, no. I finished that a while ago."

He pouted. "Why do I even bother?"

"You okay, Armin?" Marco suddenly spoke up. "You don't look too well."

Just as Connie inched around in his seat to look at Armin sitting on the floor, so did everybody else. The leather couches squeaked and the poly beads of Mikasa's bean bag crunched under her weight. The darkness masked Armin pretty well; the kitchen behind him looked like a black abyss, everything blanketed by the heavy darkness. Connie had to squint to make out his blond head and pale arms. He was holding his knees to his chest and his chin was tucked in between them. He couldn't see what expression his face held, but the intensity in his forearms told him that he was absolutely terrified, nearly frozen with fear.

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