6} He saves your life

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*your pov*
You and your friend are going to the club because it's her birthday. You don't particularly want to go because you've had bad experiences there.

"Neymarr!! I'm getting ready to go to the club with Victoria , so can you pick me up around 11ish??" I shouted from upstairs so Neymar could hear.

"Yeah okay babe, just text me when you want to be picked up" Neymar replies.

Thank god.

I start to get ready and I put on a plain black dress which comes just above my knees with black 6inch heels. I then put some some makeup on; foundation, blusher etc and then apply some smoky eye shadow and eyeliner. Followed by me straightening my hair and grabbing my red clutch.

I walk down to see Victoria looking amazing as ever downstairs with Neymar.

As I head downstairs Neymar literally just stares at me. I blush really hard, I can feel my ears ring inside of my head.

"(y/n) OMG you look so hot! You make me look like a freakin piece of shit!" Victoria jokes.

"Are you blind?! Any guy is to be lucky to be with you babe" I say hugging her.

"Okay, okay enough with the soppy love stuff, Let's go to the club now" Victoria says impatiently while laughing.

Victoria starts to walk out the door as I say goodbye to Neymar.

"You look so sexy in that dress baby, so be careful okay? Don't let any drunk guy do anything to you okay? Love you princess" Neymar whispers in my ear as I hug him.

His words sending me goosebumps on my arms.

"Thank you, and I love you too baby" I say while kissing him

We arrive at the club and show the bouncers our passes and we then walk into the club welcomed by the smell of alcohol and swear hitting us.

We go to the bar and order some drinks. Already guys are chatting up
Victoria, she then walks up to dance with a guy around our age with a fit, toned body, she turns around and over dramatically gasps and then giggles while I send her a thumbs up with a grin.

A couple of hours pass and I haven't seen Victoria since but the guy seemed nice so I don't need to worry. It's 10:30 so I text Neymar to pick me up in about 20mins, I'll just order one more drink.

I sip my blueberry flavoured liquored drink happily when an old scented smell traveled up my nostrils leaving me to turn around to be faced with a man in his forties to fifties staring at me hungrily.

His eyes travel to my breasts which are bulged through my tight black dress.

Shit. I knew I shouldn't of worn this dress.

" h-heyy babyyy, do you w-wanna f*ckk mee? Your l-looking real s-sexy tonightt" the disgusting old man slurs while still staring at my breasts.

"F*ck off you old pervert, just piss off over there" I say angrily as I stand up.

"D-don't talk to me like t-that you little s-slutt" he shouts as he grabs my arm and drags me out the door.

I pled for help but no one is sober enough to even encounter what's going on.

He drags me to the ally beside the club and starts to kiss my neck.

"P-please s-stopp , p-pleasee your h-hurting m-mee" I cry loudly, my tears now uncontrollable.

I can barley breath.

"Shut up you little slut and do what I say!" He shouts while taking off his trousers.

I'm going to get raped.

There's no doubt about it. I'm going to loose me virginity to this old dick. This is my worst nightmare , he lifts up my dress even though I am hitting him; attempting to stop him but there's no chance.

His length is now inches away from my private area.

"P-please d-don't so t-this to m-me" I cry louder. I scream and scream , I'm not backing down. But he then slaps me and puts his hand over my mouth.

I'm hysterically crying while my tears are flooding and my face is now red.

"Hey! Get off of my girlfriend you dickhead" Neymar shouts.

Neymar! No words can even describe how relieved and ecstatic I am.

Neymar pulls the old drunk off me and throws punches at his face. I pull my dress back down and rock myself back and forth. I can still feel him on me even though he's not.

After Neymar beats the crap out of him, the old drunk finally runs away.

Neymar rushes to my side and kneels infront of me. He cups my face and stares into my now red swollen eyes.

"Baby. Are you okay ? Did he do anything?" Neymar says with sympathy.

I nod.

"Your safe now okay princess? I won't let anyone hurt you, Never" he says while kissing my forehead and hugging me.

"You saved my life Neymar , and I wish you knew that. I love you" I whisper staring into his eyes.

"I love you too baby" Neymar says and then kisses me softly with all the love he could give.

That's all I need from him. My one and only.

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