8} Suicide attempt

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Note: contains serious and mature content, skip this chapter if your touchy with this subject

*also in this imagine, you and Neymar aren't together


*your pov*
I'm the sister of Marc Barta, the amazing footballer of Barcelona which at the moment couldn't give to shits about me as his girlfriend is too important.

Don't get me wrong, I love him but he has no clue about my struggles and how I deal with them.

I self harm, I have for about a two years now. Not something I'm proud of but it takes away the pain that no one else would.

Till this day I get called 'fat' and 'ugly' or a 'slut' from people I don't even know. But the worst of all is my abusive boyfriend. He's the reason for this mess and he's killing me.

I haven't told Marc about any of this, if he knew he would go mental and just make the abuse worse.

So that's why I'm going to end it all, tonight.

I've been thinking about it for a couple of months now, but tonight is the night where it's all going to end.

It's 5:30 and it's starting to get dark and Barcelona had a game at 5 so the team wouldn't get back to Marc's and ours apartment until late for there usual get to get together.

I wish I didn't have to do this, but I have no other choice unless it's to die of abuse so this is it. I go into my room and write a note for Marc, a very long one, my tears are smudged on the paper as I fold it and put it on the kitchen counter.

I'm debating whether to write a note for Neymar as he's been here for me about my self harm but doesn't know about my so called boyfriend.

I do have to say, I do have a crush on Neymar. Well.. I think I love him, but I know he doesn't love me and never will.

I forget the note and go upstairs waiting for the right time.

*Neymar's POV:*
The boys have have a match today but because I'm still injured I'm not playing so I'm not going to the game until half time. It's 5 o'clock and I just remembered I left my clothes at Marc's place as we had a gathering yesterday, so as I'm free I might aswell go to pick them up. (y/n) Marc's sister should be home as she called in sick.

She's beautiful but I know she doesn't think so and she wouldn't want to date me anyway so I haven't told her what I feel for her.

// 30mins later

I arrive at at Marc's house and knock on the door but theirs no answer, but then I remembered the spare key under the Mat and then entered the house.

I called (y/n) name several times but there's no answer. I then noticed a note on the kitchen counter that caught my eye :

Dear Marc,
I never thought I would be writing one of these, ever. But you need to know this, I've selfed harmed for 2years now all because of my so called boyfriend who abuses me. I know your probably thinking this is too much to take in so this is why I'm ending this now. My life is messed up, too broken to fix. I'm sorry. Sorry for being a shit sister and an ugly and fat one too. Please don't cry over me, I'm worthless not waste your tears on me, carry on being the amazing idol I know and love and will always remember.

I'm sorry it had to end this way.

Love always (y/n) xx

Tears were now streaming down my face, how could she say those horrible things about herself. I need to stop her, now.

Your POV:
I'm now in the bath tub thinking of my last thoughts while holding blades in one hand and a bottle of pills in one hand. The hot water is soothing my bruises on my body but I know this will end all my pain.

I grab my razor blade and slash through my wrists several times, but not too deep , I want to wait for a while.

I then hear Neymar calling my name.


I quickly grab the bottle of pills but Neymar comes to quickly and grabs the bottle of pills and I begin the cry hysterically, pleading for the bottle.

My clothes now wet and bloody and Neymar is looking at me completely shocked and stunned.

We are both silent now, our sobs are the only things we can hear.

"(y/n) why baby? Your better than this, I know I should of said this before but.. I really like you and I want to protect you from anything in this world that will fight you. Just, please don't do this to yourself anymore" Neymar pleads while still crying.

He's kneeling on the floor next to me in the bloody bath and pills scattered everywhere.

".. I like you too.. But.. It all seems to be To good to be true. My life.. it's wrong, I mean, when you smash a plate, how ever many times you will try and fix it, it will never be the same again" I say while looking into Neymars beautiful eyes.

"I know.. but, I want to break down those walls you've put up, I want to help you, you deserve everything in this world.. so will you let me?" Neymar says while staring intensely.

"Yes" I say quietly but still sobbing.
Neymar cups my face and brushes his soft plump lips agains mine and then stares into my red swollen ones.

He lifts me out of the tub and kisses my harmed wrists and says " promise me you won't ever do this to yourself again, okay princess?" Neymar says

"I promise".

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