Chapter 16 - Deal

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Jace Rae

Me, Jayson and Jaclyn are three inviduals that can't be separated since birth. We, three, are both to have bonds that no one can understand even our parents. Ever since we're little, Jaclyn always been and will always be a troublemaker. She always creates trouble that requires someone to take care of her most of the time.

When mom passed away, she took the news pretty bad. Jaclyn's condition went down and she was starting to go crazy things. She drank a lot of alcohols and then she moved to street racing. She always been in love with cars ever since we were kids, she was fascinated by all cars.

I don't know who introduced her to street racing but if I found that person, I won't hesitate to kill him or her. She got into a big car crash 4 years ago and Jayson was the first one who had weird feelings within him.

He told me about it and we called Jaclyn again and again to make sure that she was okay but she's not. She got into a coma and it broke dad. He already lost mom and he almost lost his daughter. Not only dad but Jayson took it pretty bad between us, he was going crazy and he never left Jaclyn's side when she's in coma.

He basically lived in the hospital.

I took it differently fron my dad and Jayson. I tried to calm myself down and tried to be positive most of the time. I tried my best not to breakdown in front of everyone. As soon as I got home, I cried for hours worrying about her. We, three, are triplets and I don't know what will happen if Jaclyn decided to leave us.

I was so thankful to know that she's alive until today and got into another car accident about 2 weeks ago. It was unacceptable and made me and Jayson raised our alert more higher this time.

Now, she's dating a doctor who apparently my dad set her up with. I can tell right away that he's a great guy. It was a rare sight to see my sister to look at someone the way she looks at him right now. It was liked she's being possessed or something.

She's not the type who fall for guys, guys fall for her and usually because of her beauty. She sometimes hung out with them once and then throw them away. She rarely have a real boyfriend because she's just not the type to fall in love easily.

One thing that made guys can't handle my sister is that she's hard to control. She always do whatever she wants. She's a rockhead and even me and Jayson couldn't handle her sometimes. She's stubborn and it was hard for us to tame her even my dad.

One thing about her currenty boyfriend right now is that he can control her very well. It was so clear that she wanted to runaway from us but he could make her come eat with us.

"You both making him uncomfortable!" Jaclyn hissed at us because we both were observing him. Noah turned to Jaclyn and shook his head telling her that he's fine with us staring at him.

"How old are you?" Jayson asked.

"Twenty-eight." Noah answered and we both nodded.

"Playing the role of protective brothers don't suit your both. You both never cared!" She stated and that's not true. She didn't know that we always beat her ex up if that person broke my sister's heart. She doesn't need to know that or we both will be death the next day.

"Do we really can trust you with her?" Jayson asked and he's more over protective towards Jaclyn than me actually.

"Yes, you don't have to worry and she knows it too." Noah answered calmly. "I like him first and I'm the one who forcing him to date me so ask me not him." Jaclyn stated and that surprised me. I bet that surprised Jayson too.

"Jaclyn." Noah warned her and she pouted looking at him. "Let's get out of here. I don't want to hangout with my brothers." She whined and Noah shook his head.

"We can go after this but not now." Noah said and Jaclyn sighed in defeat. Jayson and me looked at each other because it was a rare sight to see.

"If he ends up breaking up with me today, it's all your fault!" Jaclyn hissed coldly at us. "Don't be ridiculous.." Noah said and Jaclyn were annoyed but not at him but at us. The waitress came with our foods and I'm quite starving.

"Don't eat this part, it's not good for you." He said pointing at the fat on Jaclyn's steak.

"Where are you guys planning to go after this?" I asked and Noah turned to me.

"Watching a movie."

"You guys can't come!" She said pointing her steak knife at us and Noah immediately put her hand down.

"We're coming." Jayson said and I turned to him disbelief.

"You can come if you want." Noah said and Jaclyn's face was priceless. She looked at Noah annoyed and she dropped her knife and fork. "You said we're going after this.."

"They're your brothers not a stranger, what's wrong with that?"

"What's the point of dating you then? If you're acting like this, they will follow us everytime!" Jaclyn bursted at him and Noah just looked at her without saying anything. "Fine!"

"We're not joining." I said smiling to the both of them. Jayson turned to me disbelief. Jaclyn hugged me and she said that I'm the best brother ever. After we have our early dinner, I dropped the both back to the hospital.

The couple walked towards Noah's car and we found Jaclyn just clings to him all the time. It was a really rare sight to see. He even could control her when she's being barbaric and acting like a kid.

"I like that guy." Jayson said and it was another surprise for me to hear Jayson approving her with someone. "Did you eat something wrong?"

"I bet you know why and you aprroved him too." Jayson said as he turned to me. I nodded and smiled to see my sister got someone she deserves.

"I bet you my rare McLaren car that they will get married before the year ends." I said and Jayson laughed.

"No way.. she won't get married." Jayson said confidently.

"I want the newest ferrari.. the black one.. matte." I said and Jayson nodded.


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