Chapter 26 - Sadness

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Noah Clayton

It's been a tough week for me. The breakup hit me harder that I thought. My parents were worried about me at some point that they checked on me all day. I assured them that I'll be fine and they left me alone.

I decided to work everyday throughout the week to distract myself. I missed her so much but I'm not ready to see her either. It was clear to me that I still can't fully let her go but if she's going to do that again, I don't think I can be with her.

I really don't want to see her risking her life. It was not a cute race, it's a tense race. You bumped with each other, cornering each other and people were betting on who's going to win. 

Jaclyn tried to fix our relationship by trying to see me but I don't want to see her. She sent me food, flowers and even letters saying who sorry she was. She wrote in her letters that it was her last race. She even printed out the screenshot of her message between her and a man by the name of Jody.

I wanted to believe her but I still doubt her. I need more time to process this and figure out what I really feel. I brought my patients' charts out and gave it to the nurse office.

I was going to grab a coffee to wake me up when I saw Jaclyn walking out the emergency room. I quickly hid myself and peeked to see her. She's with Chelsea and she walked out from the hospital building right after that.

I made my way to the emergency room immediately to know what happened to her. "What's wrong with Jaclyn?" I asked and since all of the staff already knew that I dated her, I don't need to explain why I need Jaclyn's record.

"She changed her bandages, Dr. Clayton." I felt relieve hearing it because I thought she got into trouble again. I grabbed my coffee and walked back to my office. I found Jaclyn sitting on the chair in front of my office.

When she saw me, she immediately got up and I really don't want to deal with her right now.

"Noah." She stopped from getting into my office. I took a step back and I looked away. I didn't dare to look at her especially those emerald eyes. "I'm sorry, please give ne a chance. I promise I swear.. I won't race again. It was my last race." She said and I walked into my office ignoring her.

"Noah.. please."

"Jaclyn." I turned to her and put my coffee down on the table. "I don't want to live my life having to worry about you 24/7. I told you pretty clearly that I hate when someone thinks their life carelessly. What's the point of me dating you again? You will always lie to me to go on a racing spree."

"I swear that night was my last race. I already proved it to you." She said as she walked towards me.

"No, Jaclyn."

"Noah.." She looked at me sadly and her eyes started to fill with tears. "Please.."

"I swear I won't do it again!"

"Prove it to me because I bet you won't ever stop. I can't force you to stop, Jaclyn. You do what you want to do and I won't stop you anymore. I've warned you and your family warned you too. You know the pain of losing someone and you want to give me.. and your family the same pain again.. by losing you?" Tears fell from her eyes.

"Go.. do whatever you wanna do. You don't need me besides you won't listen to me either. I can't stop you because in the end of the day, it's your choice." I said and she kept crying. I gestured her to go and she walked out from my office still crying.

My heart was hurting so badly seeing her. I still like her a lot and there's no denying it but if she's going to act like this in the future, I don't think I could trust her again. I will be possessive, over protective and I will strictly watch her. I know she won't like so.. I don't think I will be able to control her.

I ended my shift early and got back to my penthouse. I started to cook myself dinner and I found myself a bottle of wine in one of the cupboards. I took it out and poured myself a glass. I started to eat my dinner and it was tough for me to even eat.

My heart was.. going in this rollercoaster emotions. It felt so weird and I just don't know how to figure it out. I decided to go to the rooftop maybe sitting there might help me calm myself. I was going to go up when my parents came.

"Hey buddy." My dad gave me a tight hug and my mom joined. They bought me dinner and they were surprised to see me.. drinking wine. I don't usuallt drink wine or even champagne because my body can't handle alcohol that well but today, I really need it to take over my body.

"I'm going to the rooftop." I said to them as I brought my wine glass and the whole bottle with me. I walked up stairs and sat on the sofa bed. I started to sip my wine when my dad decided to join me.

"What happened?" He asked and I sighed.

"She raced again." My dad didn't even have any reaction to that statement. I bet he's as confuse as I am in this situation.

"So you're done with her? You won't get back with her again?" I couldn't answer that question, I don't even know what I want and feel right now. I was mad at her for being so careless.

"What did you feel when you know she's racing?"

"I saw her racing that. I saw it with my own eyes. I felt my heart going to drop any second. It was an intense race and I swear it almost give me a heart attack seeing it. I can't see it without worrying something bad might happen to her every second of it."

"What did she say about it?"

"She said it's her last race but I don't believe her. She might go out one day racing again without me knowing. She even lied to me about it last week. I don't want to live having to worry about her 24/7, dad. We're all adults and I'm a doctor. I save people's life and my girlfriend on the other hand like something that risking her life." I was bursting about her to my dad with anger.

"She just got into a car accident two months ago and now she's already into racing again. She's crazy!"

"Maybe you should trust her." He said and I turned to him disbelief. "What? Trust her?"

"That might be her last race. Don't you think she deserves a second chance?"

"Why are you on her side?"

"Because I used to be like her back then. I was into drugs when I'm studying in medical school. The two of them don't match. I'm killing myself when I'm learning to save people's lives." I didn't see that coming.

"Well.. your mom almost leave me. She was this close to leave me but I swore to her that I will change."

"Dad, we're talking about Jaclyn Rae here. She's so stubborn!"

"Everyone can change, Noah. Your mom saw her walking out from your office earlier and she talked to her for a little bit. I think she really regreted racing that night. She said it was going to be her last thrill because she's serious with you."

"Dad.." I warned because he's really standing on her side at this point. He raised his hands up in the air. "Fine." I continued to drink my wine until I felt my dad helping me to down the stairs.

I passed out on the sofa.

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