Chapter three

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Wow, I can't believe that this book already has 160 reads. This is soo cool. I don't know what to say.

Well, first of all, thank you so so very much.

And second of all who is your favorite Robin?

What roles do you think the rest of the batfam will play in the story?

Star city
Thursday 7 pm

"So how did the person get past you?" Artemis/Diane asked Wally/Dan.

"Look I got distracted." Wally/Dan defended himself.

"You're always distracted." Artemis/Diane pointed out.

"It's not my fault."

"Then who's is it?" Artemis/Diane asked.

"No one's!" Wally/Dan defended.

"Hey, Dan!" They heard a voice in the distance.
All of them looked around until they saw Dick running to them.
He was wearing his usual performance clothes but his hands were wrapped in bandages and his smile seemed fake.

"Hey, Dick! What happened?" Wally/Dan asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask you about last night. When Damian and Jason caught you outside my trailer." Dick said.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I wasn't spying on you or anything. I just heard shouting and wanted to see if everyone was okay." Wally/Dan made an excuse.

"Well, I was wondering ... if you could... you know... not tell anyone about it. Please?" Dick begged.

"Not tell anyone about what?" Megan/Dawn asked.

'What is he talking about Baywatch?' Artemis/Diane asked through the mind-link.

'I think he hurt himself. I'm not sure but Hayley, Damian, and Jason seemed worried.' Wally/Dan answered.

"Nothing, you don't need to worry about it, Dawn," Dick told the martian.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." Wally/Dan told the younger boy.

"Thanks, Dan," Dick said before shouting was heard.

"DICK! WHERE ARE YOU?" Someone shouted.

"Crap, I got to go hide. If anyone asks, you didn't see me!" Dick said before running off.

"DICK, WHERE ARE YOU? YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ALONE RIGHT NOW." The shouting voice came closer until that saw one of the strongmen coming their way.

"Hey, Dangers have you seen Dick?" The strongman asked.

"Why are you asking?" Artemis/Diane asked suspicion laced in her voice.

"He'll hurt himself if he's alone." The man explained.

"Why would he hurt himself?" Megan/Diane asked.

"That's private. Now have you seen him?" The man said clearly worried about the acrobat.

'Should I tell him?' Wally/Dan asked.

'If it's to ensure that a child doesn't get hurt then we should tell him.' Megan/Dawn said.

"He went past this way. He didn't want me telling people that I saw him." Wally/Dan said.

"Thank you." The strongman said before running off to find the acrobat.

'Why would anyone want to hurt themselves?' Megan/Dawn asked.

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