Chapter 8 ~ The Future

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"After today, I bet scouts everywhere will be looking for you both!" I said as Makoto, Haru and I walked home after the first day of the tournament.

"Thank you." Makoto blushed. "Haru, what are you going to do if a scout approaches you?"

"I'm not going to do anything." He answered kind of coldly.

"What does that mean?" Makoto asked, confused, as I too was.

"It means I don't care about being scouted." He answered shortly and walked up the stairs to our house. I gave Makoto a quick kiss on the cheek before chasing after Haru.

"Haru-" I tried to start talking as we made it to our house.

"I swim to swim. That's it." He said.

"But don't you want a future with swimming?" I asked. "You may have to start caring about times and races-"

"Just leave me alone." He said harshly and trudged to his room, locking the door behind him.


"Are you okay?" Makoto asked me quietly as we walked to the stadium the next day.

"I'm just worried about Haru." I answered simply. "For the first time ever, he doesn't want to talk to me about it. I feel like a failure."

"You're not a failure, Sakura." Makoto stoped me, looking me straight in the eyes. "There's just some things that people have to deal with on their own. We just have to be ready for when they come to us."

"I know." I sighed and hugged him. Maybe it's because his hugs nearly engulf me, but they always make me feel better and like everything's going to be okay.

Nonetheless, we advanced to regionals for the medley relay. That doesn't mean we won first place, though. Samezuka did. Makoto had a late start, then Nagisa's ability to speed up after the turn didn't do much, so Samezuka beat us this time.

Adding to that, when we reviewed everything back at the school, the boys' tournament times were just barely enough to get advanced to regionals. Samezuka had all the top spots except for freestyle. That belonged to Haru. In short, we're not going to win anything if we don't step it up.

"Big news, everyone!" Ms. A suddenly came running out to us during practice.

"What is it?" Kou asked.

"I just got a call from a talent scout." She panted. "They're interested in Haru! They saw him in the freestyle race."

"That's great news." Haru said monotonously.

"It really is!" I tried to encourage him.

"There's a possibility for what to do after graduation." Ms. A suggested. "I think an old saying is appropriate here. 'Tomorrow will take care of itself if you let it, and the choices you make today will define the future of your tomorrow...'" She drowned off as Haru ignored her and jumped in the pool.


And it all happened again the next day. There was another scout interest, but Haru didn't seem to be interested at all.

"Have you decided anything yet?" I handed Makoto a towel as he got out of the pool.

"Not yet." He shook his head. "You?"

"No." I frowned. I guess I'm not much of one to talk to Haru about his future when I don't even know mine... But even so, I still want to help him, even if he doesn't want it himself.

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