You're My Everything (2)

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Background: Bucky, when he started to develop his anxiety, was assigned some meds from Wakanda. They help lower it, making the panic attacks less likely, and so on.

Don't do drugs kids.


"Alright Buck, good job administering. You should be done for the day then. Please, if you have any questions or concerns about yourself and the drug, do not be afraid to call us."

"Thank you Shuri. You'll hear from me soon, as usual."

"Okay Barnes. Tell Captain Rodger I said hello. Have a good rest of your day."

"You too."

The iPad Infront of Bucky let out a small hang-up sound as Shuri exited the call. Bucky carefully folded the iPad screen protector down back onto it. He was actually really happy now. He was on his fifth day of using the medicine they gave him for his anxiety and past trauma. It kept down his panic attacks, and whatever else that was still stuck in his head very successfully. The downside is he had to use a new device called an iPad, which he did not understand at all. It was connected to the machines at Wakanda, and Shuri called and texted him to check on him about the medicine with it all the time. It reminded him to take it, and it had a tracker for him to mark on. It was handy, yet stressful.

He went about disposing of his medical needle into the red hazard box on the counter. He threw away the packaging into recycling ben Steve got him. Then, he went to sit back down on the couch and chill. He thought about maybe even watching TV, but he was not sure what was on at the moment. Steve usually knew.

He let out a big sigh. Steve.

Steve hadn't been back in three days. It was nothing compared sometimes to other missions, but Bucky found himself missing him more than usual. It made him worry slightly about the current whereabouts of his friend. Friends. He hadn't heard from Tony or Nat either, but he didn't even know if they wanted to check with him. In the time he's been alone, Bucky has done nothing but wonder and think. It kind of scared him how much he's been thinking. Steve usually helped with it, and they talked and talked so nothing bad would come up. Sadly, without Steve, his mind ran wild.

He thought about hanging out with Sam, but he was sure he was busy with his therapy things.  Also, he didn't want to bother him. He felt like a small burden when he actually interacted with the man who was trying to help stop his brainwash rampage.

Bucky let out another sigh and looked out the window of his apartment.

The sky remained as clouded as it did yesterday.

Suddenly, Bucky's telephone started to vibrate on the coffee table. His brows furrowed as he picked it up and saw the name 'STARK' bannered across the screen. He clicked the button that was green and said answers, then put the phone to his ear.


"Barnes. You need to come to the tower. I will explain later."

"What? Tony, what happ-?"

"Bucky. Listen to me. It's about Steve. Get your ass over here...Bucky?"

He was already grabbing his coat and shoes when he put his phone back to his ear again.

"I'm on my way."

"Cars outside. The Guys name is Happy"

Then he hung up. Bucky met with a stranger named Happy who drove a black car. He looked at him questionably until Happy showed some credentials of working for Stark. Then, they drove off. Happy was a surprising reckless driver, and Bucky enjoyed the small amount of time it took to get to the tower under his management. As they pulled up, Bucky hopped out of the car and ran to the elevator. He was at Stark's floor in no time.

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