He Came to Phoenix Drop

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" So Laurence how are you feeling? "

" I feel a little shaky. "

" That's normal for what we're doing. "

" Are you sure. I'm feeling a lot of pain. "

" That's okay. If there wasn't any pain I would be surprised. It'll subside once you keep going. "

" How sure are you? "

" 100%. "

" Okay, I trust you. "

" Alright now come forward. "

" Y/n! "

" Laurence! "

I caught him as he started to fall towards the floor. I stood him back upright and held his shoulders, he was wobbling a lot.

" Y/n walking is harder than I thought. "

" Now you know how Levin feels trying to walk. "

" It's painful. "

" It will be for a while. You need to get back into the swing of it in order to get it right. "

" I know, I know. Let's keep trying. "

" Okay, first balance yourself. "

" Okay. "

I let go of Laurence and walked backward away from him. He was able to balance himself fairly quickly. I held his hands gently and started to slowly tug him forward. He started stumbling but eventually caught himself. He continued to walk forward toward me not stumbling. Slowly but surely he made it to me.

" Good job Laurence! "

" I'm getting better. "

" You are, I'm proud of you. "

" I'm gonna rest for a little while. Why don't you go to enjoy the day? I'll see you at Donna's wedding. "

" Okay. Get plenty of rest. "

" Will do, captain. "

I walked Laurence over to his bed and laid him on top of the covers. I made my way out of his room and up the stairs leading outside of Aphmau's basement. When I reached the surface I felt the sun rays touch my skin and it felt warm.

' It will be a good day. '

I walked to the doors of the house and walked outside but I immediately stopped in my tracks at the sight before me. I saw Aphmau talking with a man that looked like Zane and two guards. I noticed Garroth standing beside me and I tugged on his arm. He turned his head towards me but I noticed he had his helm on his head.

" Who is that? "

" That is the High Priest of O'Khasis, Zane Ro'meave. "

" Really? "

" Yes, is there something wrong with him? "

" No, not at all. I met him in O'Khasis but I didn't know he was the high priest and certainly not a Ro'meave. He only gave me his first name. "

" I see. He will be marrying Donna and Logan at their wedding today. "

" Okay, maybe I'll talk to him soon. "

" Y/n, I would prefer you don't. "

" Why? "

Garroth looked away and towards the priest and guards. He grabbed my hand and we walked away from Aphmau's house and down the hill on the side. He checked around once more before taking his helm off, his blue eyes showing worry.

" I don't trust him. "

" Why not? He seems harmless so far. "

" Yes, but he has a bad aura around him. Please don't contact him while he is here. "

" But Garroth he seemed kind in O'Khasis. "

" He might have seemed that way but while he is here in Phoenix Drop please just heed my warning. I care about you too much for something to happen to you and I'm not getting a good aura from him so please promise me to be at least cautious around him. "

" Garroth I think everything will be fine. I'm strong and I can take care of myself. "

" I know but promise me you'll be cautious around him. Please, it'll put my heart at ease. "

" Alright. I promise. "

" Thank you. "

A small smile appeared on his face. I showed him a small smile of my own and felt my cheeks turn a little red.

" Y/n, t-there is actually something I need to tell you. "

" Okay, what is it? "

" I...I...I-I...I lik-"

" Garroth? "

We heard shouting from above and I recognized the voice to be Aphmau's voice. Garroth jumped at hearing the yell and his face immediately turned into a blushing mess. He put his helm on and looked at me.

" Let's head back. "

" Okay. "

We climbed back up the hill and towards Aphmau. I noticed Zane was gone along with his guards, they had left in silence. I said goodbye to Garroth and Aphmau and started walking into town.

' I wonder what Garroth was going to say. He said ' I like ' before he was interrupted. Was he going to say he liked me? Oh no, now I'm going to be worrying about this all day and through the wedding. I just need to go home and get ready for the wedding. '

Her Heart or Mine ( MCD Garroth x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now