New Home

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( Anyone's P.O.V. )

The morning came quickly. The sun was shining on Phoenix Drop and the people were starting to wake up and walk around. Laurence had woken up early because he was excited about talking with you. He wanted to figure out the problem with what happened with Garroth. He walked to the market to grab some breakfast for the two of you. He grabbed two egg sandwiches and made his way to your house. He knocked on your front door but it didn't budge. There was no noise on the other side.

   " Y/n, it's Laurence. Can you let me in? "

He didn't hear anything. He grabbed the handle and turned it, pushing it open. It was dark inside your house and he thought you just went to bed. He set the sandwiches on the counter and walked upstairs. He checked your room and didn't see you. He continued to search for you but he couldn't find you anywhere.

   " Y/n! "

   " Y/n! "

   " Y/n! "

You never responded. You weren't there. He walked to the kitchen once more and saw a piece of paper on the corner of the counter. He picked it up and saw that you left a letter.

Dear Laurence,

I know you're here reading this because you wanted to talk with me this morning. I left Phoenix Drop. I decided to leave and go somewhere else. Don't worry about me or look for me, I'll be fine. Thank you, Laurence, so much for helping me and being my best friend. I'll always remember you. Goodbye, Laurence.

Sincerely Y/n

Laurence gripped the paper tightly. I left the sandwiches in the house and ran to find Aphmau or Garroth. He ran to Aphmau's house and burst through the door.

   " Y/n's gone. "

( Your P.O.V. )

I felt my body start waking up. I sat up on the soft plush bed and stretched my arms. I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. It was the same room that you stayed in when Zane had taken you. The sun was shining through the windows and illuminating the room. You got up from the bed and looked in the closet. You grabbed some clothes and decided to grab a shower. You relaxed under the water that beat on your back. You dried off and slipped on the clothes. You put on some shoes and left your room.

   ' It's a very nice morning. '

I walked through the hallways staring out of the windows. The sun was high in the sky with a few clouds dancing around the blue sky. I walked to the dining room and stepped into the room. I saw Zane sitting at the large table. He had already started eating his breakfast.

   " Y/n, good morning. "

   " Morning, Zane. "

   " Take a seat and have some breakfast. "

   " Thank you. "

I sat down at the chair to his right and a plate was placed in front of me, on the beautiful white cloth. I started eating the food enjoying every bite.

   " How has your morning been so far? "

   " It's been good. It's a beautiful morning, I can hear the birds chirping outside. "

   " Why, don't we take a walk outside then? "

   " Sure! It sounds like fun and calming. How has your work been so far? Last I remember you had a good pile in your office. "

   " There's still a lot of work to be done but I can take a few minutes away to walk with you. "

   " If you have work Zane then you should go do it. I can walk outside on my own. "

   " I know you can but I would prefer staying with you over doing some work. After breakfast, we'll go outside and walk around. "

   " But- "

   " I insist. "

I shook my head and continued eating my food knowing that I wasn't going to win the disagreement between us.  As he said when we both finished we walked outside in the garden. I could notice some dark clouds heading our way from the East.

   " It looks like it'll be raining on us soon. "

   " It does, doesn't it? Well, there is always a calmness before a storm. Let's head back inside before it starts to sprinkle on us. "

   " Alright. "

We walked back inside and said goodbye to each other. Zane went to his office to work on those papers while I walked around the castle. I reminded myself about how I left the other day. I just left a note for Laurence and no one else. I knew Aphmau and Laurence would be hurt about my presence being away from Phoenix Drop. They would be even more worried if they found out I was in O'Khasis with Zane.

   ' I bet they would think Zane forced me to write that letter and come here. '

Then there was Garroth. I couldn't predict how he would be feeling. I still felt my heartache towards Garroth but I reminded myself how he had cheated on me. I shook my head to get rid of the memory and I saw that I found myself in the library. I wandered around the library until I found myself in the witchcraft section.

   " Might as well read something. "

I grabbed the first book on the shelf and it was over potions.

Her Heart or Mine ( MCD Garroth x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now