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   " Are you alright, dear? "

   " I'm fine, Zane. "

   " Are you sure? Are there any effects of the potion left? "

   " I'm fine, Zane. Please calm down. "

He sat down on the bed and attempted to hold my hand but I pulled it away. I put my hands in front of me, on my lap.

   " What's wrong? "

   " Nothing. I'm just trying to get used to my surroundings. What happened? "

   " You drank a potion and collapsed on the floor. I brought you here to the doctor for you to lay down and recover. " 

   " Thanks but I'm fine right now. I'm going to go and take a walk in the gardens. "

I pushed the blankets down from my body and started to get up when Zane held my shoulder. He pushed me back down on the bed.

   " Y/n please stay in bed. You've only just woke up. "

   " I-I know, but I want to get up and walk around. "

   " Just rest. "

   " Zane-"

   " Y/n, just listen to me. "

He had a scary look in his eyes and I knew that I should listen to him before he gets fired up. I laid back down and Zane removed his hand from my shoulder. He leaned back, away from me, and I just stared at the wall. I wanted to leave the room and/or be away from Zane. Now that I knew the truth about Zane I wanted to leave.

   ' You would think that once I settled down in a village or town or city I would be out of trouble and in a normal life. ' 

You shook your head and looked down at the white blankets. You wanted Zane to leave. You didn't want to be anywhere near him, but fear was more powerful. You knew that if you tried to tell Zane you wanted to leave he would only be more furious with you. Eventually he would get mad. 

   " I'll get one of the maids to come and bring my work in here. That way I can care for you and wor-"

   " No!" 

   " No? "

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I wanted to shrink into the bed and disappear from the room.

   " No, you should just leave your paper work in the office and work there. There's too much work for the maids to move. Plus I'll be out of here soon so there's no reason to move all of that work. "

   " Hmm. You're acting differently. "

   " I am? "

   " Yes, maybe you just need more rest. I'll leave you to rest. You'll be released tomorrow seeing as it's night now. "

   " Alright. "

Zane stood up from the bed and leaned down towards me. I could tell he was trying to kiss my cheek so I turned my head. I didn't kiss me but he looked at me with a stange look in his eyes. He stood straight back up and walked away from the bed. He left the medbay and most likely went to his office to work. I laid back on the bed and felt my back relax a little. 

   ' Now how do I get out of here? '

( Time Skip )

   ' Okay how have I not found a way out yet? '

I was still stuck in the bed and I wanted to leave. Nurses came and gone but they never let me get up. They made sure I was on the bed. A nurse even stayed in the room with me until this point and she won't let me leave.

   ' Now how am I going to get out of here without the nurse seeing me? '

I started thinking of an idea when the door opened and a guard walked in. 

   " Lord Zane would like to see the young Lady in his study. "

   " Alright, let her get changed and then I will escort her there. "

   " I shall escort her there actually. Lord Zane asked specifically for me to transport her there. "

   " Let her get changed. "

The guard nodded and left the room. I changed into some clothes that the maid gave me and she walked with me outside of the room. The guard was standing outside waiting for me. The maid left us and I started walking with the guard.

   ' Now that I'm outside of the room and I have my normal clothes back on, I'm going to run. '

I took a deep breath and started to run. The dress wasn't tight and it allowed me to move. I made it down the hall when the guard grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

   " Please, just follow me. We need to get out of here, while Zane and the other guards are distracted. "

   " Who are you? "

   " You don't recognize my voice? "

I watched as he lifted his helm up a little bit and I recognized the same baby blue colored eyes and a few loose gold locks.

   " Garroth. "

   " Y/n, I cam to save you. Everyone else is outside waiting for us to go. "

   ' We'll talk about it later. I'll tell him everything that happened later. '

I nodded as he put his helm back down. We continued to walk and find our way out of the castle. No one paid any attention to us. Some stopped to say hi but none questioned where we were going. We walked to the garden and through the back entrance. We continued to walk around the wall of O'Khasis until there was a break in the wall. We squeezed through and ran away from the wall. 

   " How far from the O'Khasis wasll is everyone? "

   " Not that far, we're almost there. "

We stopped running when a light was shown in front of us. I saw APhmau's face highlighted in the light.

   " Y/n! "

   " Aphmau! "

I hugged Aphmau and she hugged me back. Laurence was the next to hug me along with Zoey. I turned to Garroth and held my arms out for him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. 

   " I'm really glad you're okay. " He whispered into my hair.

   " I'm happy to be back. "

Her Heart or Mine ( MCD Garroth x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now