Zane is Evil

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I put on one of the dresses and looked into the mirror.

I put on one of the dresses and looked into the mirror

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   ' I still wish I had pants. '

You walked out of the room and said hello to the maids that stood out of the door. They escorted you through the castle and to the dining hall. It was a long walk but once we got to the dining hall I saw Zane sitting at the dining table drinking some tea.

   " Zane? "

   " Y/n, good morning. How was your rest? "

   " Fine, except I woke up not in my own home. Why am I in O'Khasis? "

   " Please come sit down and have breakfast. "

   " Can I find out information first?"

   " Not unless you eat. "

   " Fine. "

He stood up from his chair and moved to the chair beside his and pulled it out of the table. I walked over to the chair and sat down in it, feeling the sat material on the arms. He pushed the seat in for me and a plate was placed in front of me. The breakfast looked delicious and I started eating the food. The food was delicious and when I was finished my stomach hurt from eating so much. You pushed your plate away from you and looked at Zane who had finished his plate as well.

   " So, please explain. "

   " Well, I was planning to leave Phoenix Drop after some chaos happened and I decided to take you with me. "

   " I thought you would let me decide if I wanted to come with you or not? "

   " I was, but at the time I needed an answer right away because it seems like your Lord Aphmau does not wish for me to enter Phoenix Drop. Without being allowed to go back in case I wished to see you again I decided to bring you here. "

   " This is kidnapping you know. "

   " I think it'll be fine. "

   " You said 'after some chaos'. What happened? "

   " Well it seems that Alexis the little baby became a shadow knight and is now an adult. "

   " How? " I asked with surprise in my voice.

   " I summoned a part of the Nether realm into this world of ours. It was for the best, my dear. "

   " Zane you can't do that. "

   " It's too late to say that now. Why don't I show you around the castle? "

   " I think I'll just go back to my room. "

   " Nonsense, let's explore. I would like to spend some time with you before I have to start working on my paperwork soon. "

Reluctantly you agreed and followed him around the castle. He showed you around the castle and ended of your tour in the garden. 

   " Did you kidnap Garroth as well? Since he has to get married. " You asked with a heavy heart.

   " No, his wedding is canceled. He will not be getting married to the daughter of Scaleswind soon. It had to be postponed due to some business that needs to be taken care of. I am in a marriage proposal as well so there is no need for Garroth to be engaged, yet. "

   " You're engaged? "

   " I am. "

   " Who are you engaged too? "

   " Well, I haven't asked for her hand yet but I will soon. She'll live like a queen here in the palace. "

   " Oh, I see when are you going to ask her? "

   " Soon. "

   " Are you not gonna tell me? "

   " I'm afraid so. I must be getting to work now, please enjoy your stay here in O'Khasis and I will see you for dinner. 

He held my hand and gently kissed it and departed from the garden. I stayed in the garden for a little longer before walking to the library to read.

   ' Looks like Garroth was right. I should have stayed away from Zane. I can't believe he did that to baby Alexis. '

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