A War has Started

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It was normal. The day was fine and the sun was shining brightly. It was warm with a few breezes here and there. I was walking to meet Aphmau and we were going to have a girl's day with Katelyn. When I got to the market I saw her and we met in the middle of the market. 

   " Are you ready to have a day for ourselves? "

   " Yes! We both defiantly need one. Is Lucinda coming? "

I learned that the tower in the water was a witch that moved here. Aphmau had met her while on a journey and the witch's name was Lucinda. Lucinda was very nice and she let me play with her owl for hours while I talked with her about potions. 

   " She is. She is getting Katelyn and bringing her. "

   " Alright, are you hungry or aythi-"

Before I could finish my sentence a large boom shook the ground. Aphmau and I fell to the ground and we looked around to see what was going on. Nothing seemed wrong and when the ground stopped shaking we stood up.

   " The wall! " We both screamed

I pulled my bow off of my back and got an arrow ready as we started running to the wall in front of the village. When we got there we climbed on top of the wall and looked over. I saw Zane and he had an army with him. He had mages along with swordsmen and archers. There were so many that I couldn't believe my eyes. 

   " Zane! What are you doing here? " Aphmau yelled.

   " I've come to claim what's mine. You stole my fiance! "

   ' We never agreed to marry. '

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Garroth standing beside me. He had his helm off and was staring at his brother. He was glaring daggers while Zane produced his own glare.

   " She is her own person and will not be forced into a marriage. Especially with the likes of you! " Garroth shouted down at him. 

I stood my ground between Aphmau and Garroth ready to aim my arrow. 

   " Then this is war! I shall give you 2 minutes to evacuate anyone you wish. I shall have my bride when this is over and Phoenix Drop will have fallen. "

Aphmau turned to me and I knew exactly what to do. I climbed down from the wall and started alerting the villagers of the situation. I told them that women, children, and the elderly need to collect their items and make their way to Lucinda's tower. I ran to Lucinda's and saw her and Katelyn leaving. 

   " Katelyn make your way to the wall and help APhmau we are in a war with O'Khasis. Lucinda, we need you to make a portal to travel the kids somewhere safe. "

   " I can do that. "

Katelyn started running towards the wall and I could hear the fighting start to commence. The clash of swords and mages using their magic. I helped people get over to Lucinda's tower and go through the portal. I ran back to the village to make sure everyone was safe and out of harm's way. I could see my friends and guards fighting everywhere I turned. I turned a corner and saw a little boy on the ground. He was crying and a swordsman was standing above him. I aimed my arrow and took a shot at hitting his shoulder. I was successful and the arrow went right through him. I collected the child in my arms and ran to Lucinda's. A woman ran towards me on the way and took the child from my arms.

   " Thank you, for finding Thomas. "

   " Your welcome. Let's get you two to the portal. "

I ran beside the woman with an arrow ready to shoot as we ran. We were almost to the island when an explosion occurred right beside us. We collapsed on the ground and when I picked myself up my vision was hazy. I stood up and grabbed my bow getting another arrow ready. I nudged the woman and she slowly got up with the child still in her arms. We jogged to get to Lucinda's and when we finally made it to the flying platforms I was grabbed. 

   " Get through the portal! " I yelled at her.

I turned to see who had grabbed me to only see black and white clothes/armor. I looked up at their face but I could only see their eyes. 

   " I found you, my bride. "

Her Heart or Mine ( MCD Garroth x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now