What's going on?

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Third POV~~

Three days later~~

The trio went back to their house.The house isnt like the other house a criminal would live in to hide.Its a modern house with three stories,it build at a cliff near beach far away from crowded city.The security there is far way advance than any private bank thanks to Peridot so they dont have to worry about a burgular or FBI barge in arresting them.

They parked their car in the garage and walk inside.They had making a lot of money this week after raiding and black mailing three more targets in their list,now they had 41 million dollars in their account not including the money they already had.

Ruby POV~

"Pweeuhh!,is felt so good to be back home sweet home,right guys",Amethyst streach his muscles and lossen his neck tie."Hey Turtle,turn on the Tv i want finish the season four of Lonely Blades",he said.

"As you wish,Mr.Quartz",a guy voice then answered and the TV that attached to the wall automatically turn on.If you confuse who's that,Turtle is A.I of this house that Peridor installed last year.It took care everything in this house even turn on the security system if the alarm was off.

(Turtle is like JARVIS but in the house.Oh and just imagine turtle had the same voice as jarvis is)

"So what do we gonna do with those money?",Peridot ask as he flopped down to the long couch.He click a screen touch button on the coffee table and a hologram screen appear showing his video games is on the pause.He grab his joystick and restart his game.

"We only need to keep 37 million dollars for the plan.Right now,let just relax and enjoy the night",i replied walk to the kitchen open the frige and drink my red bull.

"Really!?awyeahh!,its been a while since i gamble",Amethyst said excitedly.

"Are you sure?,i heard that the Intercom HQ had recruited a new captain and she's a graduate officer of the a program in Japan.Not all people can pass that program,Ruby.She could be a big problem to us.I think we should stay low for a while",Peridot advice me.

I snikered,"Heh,dont be chicken now,Peri.She dont know with who she messing with.Plus,its impossible to catch this flame",i finish my drink then throw the can to the trash."Turtle,prepare my bath in five.And please order a double pizza cheese for me",i said.

"Do you like the water in low temperture or high,sir?",Turtle replied.

"Hmm,make it cold this time",

"And which francais would you like the pizza from?"

"Suprise me",

"As you wish,Mr.Flame"

I walk to my bedroom and went inside the bathroom.I close the door and start taking off my clothes.I took a step to the already filled tub and sighed as the cold water making contact to my skin.

'What is this feeling?',i thought.I felt like something gonna happen tonight but i cant put a finger on wether its good or bad.After a while of thinking about it and failed,i shrug it off and came to conclusion that i might just stress and my mind is playing with me.I distract myself by washing my short curly hair with a shampoo.I remember i used to have very bushy wild hair back on his highschool year,i always wear my favourite red headband to tame it.It become part of me i even rarely took it off,but now i dont know what happen to that thing after...that night.I then cut my hair short so it was easy to take care of and because i've decide that i dont want to replace that stupid headband.

After i finish washing myself,i step out from the tub and dry myself with a towel then warp it around my waist.I step out from my bathroom and went to my wardobe.I open it and choose my favourite outfit when i going to a night club especially when we three celebrating our victory.I close the slide and quickly regret it when the large mirror reflecting myself and showing me my toned,build body that covered with lots kind of scars.Bullet scar,knife scar,stitches you named it,its all can be found everywhere on my body.I've always hate the sight of it.It always making me had the flashback of those torturing years.But one thing im sure that i never regret did what i did that night,i rather have those years all over again if its means im able to protect her.

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