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"Why not? I love you!"

"I love you too but we're lying to ourselves!" Christina exclaims, feeling a pang in her chest as the truth they've both been avoiding for months comes out.

"I...I know" Corbyn sighs after a moment of silence, "but can't we try to fix this?"

"What do you think we've been doing for the past three months, Corbyn? We tried but there's no fixing us," she frowns, evidently sad with the tears pooling the waterline of her brown eyes.

"So it's over then? That's it?" he asks, with hesitance even though he knew what the answer would be.

"That's it."

────── * ──────

CHRISTINA HARRIS sits in her NYC apartment in silence with what had just happened replaying over and over and over in her head.

Of course, the girl didn't want to break up with her boyfriend of four years but it seemed inevitable and the pressure looming over her had caused far too many sleepless nights; she couldn't bare to let it go on any longer.

They both knew it was coming sooner or later. Both of their careers were taking off and they barely saw each other anymore. For the first two years of their relationship, they did long distance and it worked incredibly well. The distance seemed to only make them even stronger, but as time went on, they began drifting.

Corbyn's music career became his sole focus and with his band mates, he toured the world and performed in front of thousands of people. The success came with a price though. Time zones were difficult and he was often tired out from performing. The daily facetimes with Christina slowly became every other day, then twice a week, then once a week, and so forth.

But this wasn't only one sided.

Christina's career had expanded quite a bit of ways from just her youtube channel throughout the years. She had her own skincare line, clothing line, and even a podcast. Her career was thriving and she hardly even noticed that her daily facetimes with Corbyn had been getting shorter and shorter (not that Corbyn had noticed either).

Impending doom seemed to be waiting to happen—and on that night, it did.

Christina's bed felt even more lonely than usual that night. With tears running down her face, she tried to convince herself that she made the right decision.

It's better this way... right?

────── * ──────

CORBYN BESSON couldn't sleep.

It was a bit past 4am and he had been laying in his bed awake for three hours.

Three hours since he got dumped, that is.

In these three hours, he's had a lot of time of reflect—specifically on why his four year relationship with who he thought was the love of his life didn't work out.

Reason one was definitely their careers. He had been touring with his band almost non stop and barely got the chance to go home—let alone visit his girlfriend in New York.

Reason two had to be the drifting. They barely called each other anymore. Their once daily facetimes had been reduced to text messages every now and then. It was like they weren't even dating anymore—like they were just friends who texted once in a while. The realization made his heart heavy with guilt. Why didn't he make more of an effort?

It was hard for him to admit to himself but three hours was a lot of time to think and realize that the third reason was that they didn't love each other anymore.

Corbyn cried while thinking about how both him and Christina had fallen out of love a long time ago. He sobbed hard as he thought about all the little things he had stopped doing, like sending her good morning texts or little videos of him just goofing off.

When did they fall out of love? And why did it take so long for him to realize?

A little angst to start the book, yikes!
I love Corbina and I would never want them to break up in real life but this is just a fanfic so I hope that the reasons I listed made sense...

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